[Vision2020] Anonymous posts

Rob Keenan benjamin_barker@hotmail.com
Fri, 05 Mar 2004 14:04:42 -0800

Just another $0.02 on the whole anonymous post thing --

Yes, the First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, and, yes, I
support the First Amendment 1,000%. However, with that right comes the
responsibility to own up to your words. While anonymous speech can be
inflammatory, informative or impassioned, it does not carry the imprimatur
of the speaker standing behind the courage of his or her convictions. As
such, I may allow the existence of anonymous speech as protected, but that
does not prevent me from feeling deep disappointment at the subversion of an
American ideal. Spouting rhetoric and withholding your name is puerile and

Feelin' the love of assonance and alliteration today,