[Vision2020] Anonymous posts and South Gateway Park

Art Bettge abettge@turbonet.com
Fri, 5 Mar 2004 12:58:58 -0800

I seem to recall that, a year or so ago, the users of Vision2020 agreed
that posts should be signed with the author's real name.  This was in
the midst of the Doug Stambler pen-name festival.  I think signing one's
real name to each post is a good way to temper  some of the more flaming
notes that I have seen fly across my screen.  It also puts people on
record as supporting a particular point of view in some of our local

If you want to say something, take possession of it by signing your real
name.  Please.

Relative to the South Gateway Park, who owns the land at the moment?  Is
the money that is being solicited to be used for land-acquisition or
land-development?  Why the "rush" to obtain funds from the public?  If
there is a deadline, why was the funding solicitation sent out with
barely a month's lead time; shouldn't it have come out sooner?  I think
the park as a connector between the two bike/pedestrian trails is a
great idea and having an eye-friendly and welcoming green space at that
location a wonderful use of the space.  However, I would like to see
some more history and background on the project before opening my

Art Bettge