[Vision2020] Mr. Stile has not answered my questions

Nick Gier ngier@uidaho.edu
Fri, 05 Mar 2004 10:16:47 -0800


Sorry for the multiple postings, but it's frustrating to always get the 
Kirker Run-Around rather than straight answers to my questions.  Bill, I 
envy your ability to get Wilson to answer you.  He doesn't respond to me at 
all.  What is your secret?  Did you give him a bottle of wine in return for 
the one you got at the radio show?

But, Mr. Stile, I asked you to respond to my points about 2 Tim. 3:16 and 
two questions about George Washington and God in the Constitution.  I would 
be very happy with an admission that you simply have no answers.  Hence, 
the Kirker Run-Around.

Nick Gier