[Vision2020] Dick Cheney

Melynda Huskey mghuskey at msn.com
Mon Jun 28 13:09:01 PDT 2004

Well, Carl, I was glad to hear Vice President Cheney tell Senator Leahy to 
fuck himself (or possibly to fuck off) in the Senate.  I think it 
demonstrates fully the respect, courtesy, non-partisanship, and fairness to 
opposing views we can expect from the second-in-command of our nation.  What 
possible reason could he have for camoflaging the contempt and derision in 
which he holds the actually *elected* members of our government?  He owns 

But I wish you hadn't called my attention back to Doug Wilson's blog, where 
I was confronted by an ancient Vision 2020 post Doug wrote in response to 
Joan.  Her identity, though, is cunningly concealed by the entirely random 
alias "Linda."  *That* should muddy the waters!

Melynda Huskey

P.S.  The gay agenda? You know, World Domination, Forced Conversion, 
Governmental Sponsorship of Approved Belief, Preferential Treatment, Control 
of Education, Marriage, and the Family . . . oh, wait.  That's the *Christ 
Church* agenda.  I'll have to keep looking for that other one.  Seems like 
it was in a pink binder with a rainbow sticker on it.

Can I get back to you?

>From: "Carl Westberg" <carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com>
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: [Vision2020] Dick Cheney
>Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 12:31:15 -0700
>I've been on vacation, so forgive me if this topic has been covered before. 
>  Does anyone else find Dick Cheney's, uh, sexual advice to Senator Leahy 
>abominable and frightening?  Rather than apologize, the VP tells Fox (not 
>really) News that he's "glad" he did it.  Another example of an 
>administration out of control.  Oh, and one more thing.  I've been visiting 
>Doug Wilson's blog, probably for much the same reason that one probes a 
>painfully infected tooth with one's tongue.  He had some blather about not 
>capitulating to the "homosexual agenda."  This has been asked before, but 
>it bears repeating.  What exactly is the homosexual agenda?  Mr. Wilson 
>constantly writes about it, but he never explains what it is.  I'm in the 
>dark here.                                                                  
>                                                       Carl Westberg Jr.
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