[Vision2020] Thanks to RF for the correction

Joan Opyr auntiestablishment@hotmail.com
Tue, 24 Feb 2004 13:08:23 -0800


I've already thanked Ron privately for his correction on the UI Press's 
financial situation, but I thank him publicly now.  Those in the know that 
I've spoken to have suggested that a proposal to distribute UI Press books 
through a cooperative arrangement with WSU Press would likely have addressed 
the lingering financial concerns.  Even if this proposal hadn't managed to 
allow the UI Press to be fully self-supporting, I firmly believe that 
academic presses are worth subsidizing.

And that's it from me today.  No more typing.  I promise.  I've asked Rose 
to come over here and tape my fingers together.

Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment

PS: Rose is walking slowly.  Fingers, do your stuff.  Ron -- are you certain 
that the '03 figures cited in the budget report include 03's UI Press total 
and projected income?  As I know from my time in library acquisitions, 
outstanding book orders carry over from one budget year to the next, and the 
UI Press had quite a few books which were popular enough to have justified a 
second print run.

That's not tape, Rose!  That's a staple gun!  Ahhhhhh!

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