[Vision2020] Fwd: Weekly Review for February 13, 2004

thansen@moscow.com thansen@moscow.com
Sat, 14 Feb 2004 00:29:01 GMT

Forwarded Message:
> To: "Weekly Review" <News_Room@Whitehouse.Gov>
> From: "News Room" <News_Room@Whitehouse.Gov>
> Subject: Weekly Review for February 13, 2004
> Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 18:53:14 -0500
> -----
> http://www.whitehouse.gov                http://www.whitehouse.gov
>          W H I T E   H O U S E   E M A I L  U P D A T E S
>                           WEEKLY REVIEW
> February 13, 2004
> In this Issue
>    > WMD Proliferation
>    > Jobs & Education
>    ^1 Economic Growth
>    ^2 School Choice
>    ^3 Government Spending
>    ^4 Ask the White House
> __________________________________________________________________
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AT THE TOP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>    WMD Proliferation
>    In an address at the National Defense University on Wednesday
>    President Bush said, "There is a consensus among nations that
>    proliferation cannot be tolerated.  Yet this consensus means
>    little unless it is translated into action.  Every civilized
>    nation has a stake in preventing the spread of weapons of
>    mass destruction."
>    The proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) poses
>    the most serious danger to the peace of the world.  Chemical,
>    biological, and nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists or
>    outlaw regimes could bring catastrophic harm to America and
>    the international community.
>    In his remarks the President welcomed key accomplishments in
>    our determined efforts to prevent and protect against the
>    proliferation of WMD.  Efforts that include penetrating and
>    ultimately shutting down the A.Q. Khan nuclear proliferation
>    network, as well as the historic decision by Libya to end
>    it's WMD programs.  These recent developments demonstrate
>    the new, complex, and challenging threats to the
>    international community from WMD.
>    Fast Facts
>    President Bush proposed seven steps to combat the threat of
>    WMD.  The policies will:
>    - Improve and modernize nonproliferation laws to address new
>      and changing threats;
>    - Restrict the sale and transport of nuclear technologies
>      and equipment;
>    - Close a loophole in the nuclear nonproliferation system
>      that allow states to pursue WMD under the false cloak of
>      legitimacy; and
>    - Expand efforts to secure and destroy nuclear weapons and
>      materials.
>    Full Fact Sheet:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/02/20040211-5.html
>    President's Remarks:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/02/20040211-4.html
>    Ask the White House - Combating WMD:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/ask/20040211.html
>    Jobs & Education
>    On Thursday President Bush discussed his plan, called Jobs
>    for the 21st Century, to better prepare workers for the
>    changing job market.  He wants to help current workers get
>    the training and skills they need to secure jobs in
>    high-growth industries.  The President also wants to help
>    better prepare high school students to enter higher education
>    or the workforce.
>    Speaking of his Jobs for the 21st Century plan in the State
>    of the Union, President Bush said, "By all these actions,
>    we'll help more and more Americans to join in the growing
>    prosperity of our country.  Job training is important, and
>    so is job creation."
>    Fast Facts
>    The President's Jobs for the 21st Century plan will:
>    - Increase support for America's community colleges to train
>      workers for industries creating the most new jobs
>    - Provide larger Pell grants for students who prepare for
>      college with demanding courses in high school
>    - Expand advanced placement programs in low-income schools
>    - Invite math and science professionals from the private
>      sector to teach part-time in our high schools
>    - Provide extra help to middle and high school students who
>      fall behind in reading and math
>    Full Fact Sheet:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/01/20040120-6.html
>    President's Remarks:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/02/20040212-5.html
>    Ask the White House - Education:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/ask/20040212.html
> __________________________________________________________________
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PRESIDENTIAL & ADMINISTRATION NEWS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ^1 Economic Growth
>    President Bush visited SRC Automotive in Springfield, MO to
>    meet with workers and small business owners and discuss the
>    state of America's economy -- and the need to continue to
>    provide tax relief to America's families and small
>    businesses.
>    New job figures released last week and other recent
>    indicators show that America's economy is strong and getting
>    stronger, and that the President's Jobs and Growth plan is
>    working.  President Bush will not will not be satisfied until
>    every American looking for work has found a job.
>    Fast Facts
>    In 3 years, President Bush signed 3 bills cutting taxes on
>    American families and small businesses to spur savings,
>    investment, and job creation.
>    - Repealing these laws would result in an immediate tax
>      increase on American families and businesses.
>    - The cumulative benefit of these three laws for family
>      budgets and business investment is significant.
>    - The cumulative effect on the economy is just as strong,
>      laying the groundwork for increased economic growth and
>      job creation.
>    - Failure to permanently extend these tax cuts would
>      dramatically increase the burden on American taxpayers in
>      future years.
>    Full Fact Sheet:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/02/20040209-2.html
>    President's Remarks:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/02/20040209-6.html
>    Policy in Focus - Jobs & Economic Growth:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/economy/
> ^2 School Choice
>    President Bush on Friday discussed parental options, school
>    choice and new initiatives to improve high school education
>    and his Jobs for the 21st Century plan.
>    President's Remarks:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/02/20040213-6.html
>    Policy in Focus - Education:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/education/index.html
>    Ask the White House - Education:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/ask/20040212.html
> ^3 Government Spending
>    In a statement on Thursday the White House Press Secretary
>    said, "The President's budget proposes a responsible $256
>    billion in highway and transit spending, which represents
>    a 21 percent increase over the previous six-year period and
>    a responsible approach to improve highway safety and curb
>    congestion.  With passage of an excessive $318 billion
>    highway funding bill, the Senate today missed an important
>    opportunity to rein in spending.
>    Press Secretary's Statement:
>    http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/02/20040212-10.html
> ^4 Ask the White House
>    Ask the White House is an online interactive forum where
>    you can submit questions to Bush Administration officials,
>    including Cabinet Secretaries, Senior White House Officials
>    and behind-the-scenes professionals at the White House.
>    This Weeks Sessions
>    > High Tech - Richard Russell:
>      http://www.whitehouse.gov/ask/20040209-2.html
>    > Economy - Gregory Mankiw:
>      http://www.whitehouse.gov/ask/20040209.html
>    > The First Lady - Gordon Johndroe
>      http://www.whitehouse.gov/ask/20040210.html
>    > Education - Margaret Spellings
>      http://www.whitehouse.gov/ask/20040212.html
>    > Combating WMD - Jim Wilkinson
>      http://www.whitehouse.gov/ask/20040211.html
> __________________________________________________________________
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>    The White House News - Weekly Review is a weekly e-mail update
>    designed to keep you informed of the major events and
>    speeches by the President and his Administration.
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