[Vision2020] Fat, happy black cat

Carl Westberg carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 6 10:38:54 PST 2004

I just got caught up on the weekend postings to V2020, and I'm delighted to 
find out that Bill the cat (a much healthier and happier cat than Bill the 
cat of Bloom County fame) has been reunited with Kristi, his biped.  I 
apologize to Bill for mistaking him for a she when I found him outside the 
office door on Friday.  I feel so warm and fuzzy about this.  Just like 
George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life."  And I don't even know if Bill is 
a Republican or Democrat, just that he likes to lick people's noses.  Maybe 
from this point on, I'll refrain from thinking or posting derogatory 
comments about those poor, benighted souls who fail to see the world my way. 
  Maybe I'll go out of my way to reach an understanding of their viewpoints, 
and treat everyone, regardless of worldview, with kindness and compassion.  
                                                   Carl Westberg Jr.

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