[Vision2020] Reading

Pat Kraut pkraut at moscow.com
Wed Dec 1 21:44:35 PST 2004

When I have questioned the Palestinians on this site I have had many emails
that tried to explain their actions to me as if there could be some
justification for the behavior. I know about the problem. It is much more
complex than any one story can ever convey. But, I also know that peace as
described by Palistians is not the same as peace described by Israeli terms
or mine. It will take much more than two states to get past the hatred
perpetrated by Palistian mothers among others. Although two states would be
a start I'd be willing to try I wonder if it won't be another
Ireland...always at war.
I am always in amazement of how easily some dismiss the many thousands who
died in Iraq before we got there with no hope of any good to come of it.
Those who were gassed, maimed, raped and living in total fear at the hands
of Saddam's sons with no recourse for help. Yes, many people have died. It
is usually the case in a war but I believe it is for a better cause than
before. There would have been no fewer deaths in Iraq if we had not gone
there with no hope of recourse or help. Why doesn't your compassion go to
those who died before at the hand of Saddam? Why express it all for those
who died just since we went there to help give them some hope? Are you just
so totally mad at Bush that you cannot see a bigger picture? Do you not
understand that we could still be waiting for a very corrupt UN to go offer
some help? Or do you just not care because Bush is a republican...if it had
be a democrat who 'did it the right way, at the right time' you would have
gotten on board with more faith?
It is a complicated, complex world and I am trying to understand.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carl Westberg" <carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com>
To: <pkraut at moscow.com>; <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 10:35 AM
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Reading

Pat writes:  "It is not what I have heard from some on this site who want to
explain away the actions of the Palestinian terrorists as human rights
activities justified and acceptable."  I don't recall anyone saying that.
No one on this list, to my knowledge, has attempted to portray terrorism as
justifiable and acceptable.

Westberg Jr.

>From: "Pat Kraut" <pkraut at moscow.com>
>To: "vision2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>Subject: [Vision2020] Reading
>Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 10:20:46 -0800
>I my reading this week I have come across this ad for David Horowitz's new
>book 'Unholy Alliance'. I think I will have to get this book and read it
>fully. What this small portion says is just what I have been aware of for
>some time. It is not what I have heard from some on this site who want to
>explain away the actions of the Palestinian terrorists as human rights
>activities justified and acceptable. All the actions in the middle east by
>Arabs are a program to kill all Jews. Nothing else will satisfy them. We
>hope and pray that a new leader will change things but if grandmothers and
>mothers still train their children that blowing up Jews is the way to
>there will be no peace as an absence of war anywhere in the world. We must
>as a country be aware that if we back away from Israel all of them will
>And we will have had a responsibility in all the death.
>The war between Arabs and Jews is not the cause of the war on terror, as
>apologists for Muslim radicals claim; it is the war on terror.
>Twenty-five years ago, there were two non-Islamic democracies in the Middle
>East: Israel and Lebanon. This was too much for Islamic radicals, Syrian
>irredentists and Palestinians who joined forces to destroy Lebanon and make
>it a base for terror.
>The goal of the post-Oslo Intifada is not to establish a Palestinian state
>alongside a Jewish state. Its goal is an Islamic umma extending "from the
>Jordan to the sea." That is why Oslo was rejected by Arafat even though
>Barak and Clinton offered him an independent state on virtually all of the
>land Palestinians claimed in the West Bank of the Jordan and Gaza. That is
>why the very birth of Israel is referred to by all the present Palestinian
>leadership as the "Naqba" - the "catastrophe." To Islamic radicals at war
>with the West, the very creation of Israel is a catastrophe.
>American apologists for Arab aggression are also apologists for Islamic
>aggression. In their eyes, Arab terror in the Middle East has a root cause
>in the policies of Israel, whom terrorists refer to as the "little Satan."
>For apologists of the Islamic terror of 9/11 and the Zarqawi terror in
>jihad is not a self-generating creed but has a "root cause" in the policies
>of "the Great Satan," which is us.
>Peace in the Middle East and peace in the war with al-Qaeda and Zarqawi
>come only when the terrorists surrender or are defeated, and when Arab
>governments cease their incitement of hatred against Israel and the United
>David Horowitz"
>"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so
>at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for
>Helen Keller
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