[Vision2020] Re: Earlier question

Ted Ryan coffeemonkey100 at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 30 17:03:56 PDT 2004

Your original post, code removed..

Do you have any comment on the description of the relationship between slaves and masters as based upon mutual affection and confidence,' or the statement that 'there has never been a multi-racial society that existed with such; mutual intimacy and harmony in the history of the world.'  These are the statements that continue to leave me slack-jawed. In any context, these statements strike me as praise for the relationship between slaves and their owners.  Do you disagree?  If we are to consider them in context, if the pamphlet states that under specific circumstances Christians could be both slaves and slave-owners, then isn't that one more reason to suppose that the statements I've quoted above also support slavery in the antebellum South.  You say that these are descriptions; Do you believe that they are correct descriptions and conclusions about slavery at the time?

My reply:

I have read some about this subject and do not have "issues" with those statements.

I do believe that these are, in most circumstances in the South, correct descriptions and conclusions about slavery at the time.

What everyone seems to ignore about the pamphlet is everyone is glad to see slavery gone.  NO ONE WANTS IT BACK.  It is not a praise of slavery, just an explanation that if you were a Christian at the time, it was not necessarily sinful to have slaves.  We don't shed one tear at it's demise.

What is unfortunate in our modern culture is the portrayal of that time period in a false light.  Case in point is the book Cold Mountain, a novel, not a piece of history.  Latter turned into a Hollywood piece that further carries the historical inaccuracies concerning that time period.

There are a number of books, especially ones written by those who lived during those times, that are in opposition to what is currently thought and taught.  Just because a thousand people say it is so, doesn't make it so.  Try reading some of these pieces, there are many and I would be glad to provide reference list if you like.  Although a short trip to the archives back in December will also produce the same list.

Ted Ryan

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sunil Ramalingam 
  To: coffeemonkey100 at hotmail.com 
  Cc: vision2020 at moscow.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 2:19 PM
  Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Re: Earlier question


  I don't *think* I asked you something.  No, I *know* I asked you something.  

  I posted my question to you on August 24; its subject line is 'Re: McBroom on slavery'.  You will find it under 'Thread' for August, between Mark Solomon, 'Moscow Chamber' and Nick Gier, 'McBroom was an NSA student?'  I wrote in response to your second post of the day under that same heading.

  I will not repost my question here despite your instruction, as the body of my email is not available unless one clicks on the URL below the line, "An HTML attachment was scrubbed..."  I don't have time right now to clean up all the code in order to make it legible.  

  I look forward to your reply.


  >From: "Ted Ryan" <coffeemonkey100 at hotmail.com> 
  >To: "Sunil Ramalingam" <sunilramalingam at hotmail.com> 
  >CC: vision2020 at moscow.com 
  >Subject: [Vision2020] Re: Earlier question 
  >Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:50:24 -0700 
  >You *think* you asked me something?  I don't recall a question from you, and even went to the archives to see about this.  I don't see a question.  So, if you will, find this question and post it. 
  >Ted Ryan 
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