[Vision2020] Are you being served?

Captain Kirker captain_kirker at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 13 07:37:06 PDT 2004



Auntie Establishment, pastorette of Moscow’s other cult, inquires, “Captain Kirker, is the phrase ‘such as the current domestic-partner issue’ in the original minute?”


Yes, this phrase adorns the original document. One of our County Commissioners has voluntarily subjected his public trust to the oversight of kidnappers, tax frauds, and serial liars.


Auntie E continues, “In the meantime, I’ll just suggest that thoughtful pet owners might want to keep Fluffy and Fido safely indoors. Like a mean drunk with an empty bottle, Doug is kicking every dog that passes him.”


To which I add, Beware: guard your children from the Wolfman. He’s in a rage and he’s dangerous. His very breath reeks of threats & slaughter. In the words of the songwriter, “There’s a killer on the road, his brain is squirmin’ like a toad.” And there are three reasons for his fury:


1.  He got caught in another lie. Just two days ago he wrote, “We have gone through our minutes back into the late nineties, and can find nothing like this.” But yesterday he conceded the truth, writing, “we found the minutes in question.”


2.  He planned to doctor the minutes to swindle the IRS. But now he doesn’t know what’s out there.


3.  He’s getting shellacked. The Captain is batting 1000, the Wolfman 0. Ouch.


To that end, I am, and shall remain, at your service.


Joan Opyr <auntiestablishment at hotmail.com> wrote: 
Bill London tells us:
Doug Wilson verified on August 12, in a posting to his blog website (at 
http://dougwilscom/index.asp?Action=Anchor&CategoryID=1&BlogID=398 ), 
that the Christ Church minutes of April 8, 1999 did include this message 
to the church leadership:  "Doug Wilson reported that Paul Kimmell, in 
his role as County Commissioner, is open to oversight from the elders on 
certain issues, such as the current domestic-partner issue."

In the immortal words of Mrs. Slocombe, now we get down to the gritty-nitty.  Bill, you find the date of this Church minute interesting.  I'm more interested in the addition of the phrase "such as the current domestic-partner issue."  I don't recall the inclusion of that phrase in the original minute that Captain Kirker forwarded to this list.  Call me suspicious, but Doug has attempted in the past to deflect criticism of himself by pointing (and shrieking) at Moscow's gay and lesbian community.  Is this more of the same, i.e., another pathetic attempt to change the subject?
Captain Kirker, is the phrase "such as the current domestic-partner issue" in the original minute?  If not, I wonder . . . no, I'll save my speculations until we hear from you.  In the meantime, I'll just suggest that thoughtful pet owners might want to keep Fluffy and Fido safely indoors.  Like a mean drunk with an empty bottle, Doug is kicking every dog that passes him.
Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment

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