[Vision2020] Iraq on the brink of civil war?

thansen@moscow.com thansen@moscow.com
Mon, 5 Apr 2004 21:13:32 GMT

Well . . .

You know, Joan.  Since there is no oil in Rwanda and since slavery is 
unconstitutional, liberation of Rwanda seemed fiscally inappropriate and simply 
not worth the effort.

I wonder what the Chief Financial Officer of (K)ri$t (K)ir(k) wouild have to 

Take care,

Tom Hansen

> Melynda reminds us:
> >Terrible things are happening all over the world.  The U.S is doing
almo> st  
> >nothing about nearly all of them.  So what made Iraq the absolute top  
> >priority?  Was military action the only option?  And whatever our
reason> ,  
> >was it worth so many lives--Iraqi and U.S.?
> And that reminds me, this past Saturday was the 10th anniversary of the
b> eginning of the Rwandan genocide, when 800,000 Tutsi men, women, and
chil> dren were hacked to death with machetes by the Hutu majority.  Plans for
> the genocide were announced on the radio in advance, and Hutu Christian
c> hurches were recruited to assist in the effort.  Meanwhile, the United
St> ates, Europe, and the rest of the world stood by twiddling their
collecti> ve thumbs.
> It's not a question of whether or not Saddam Hussein was a bad man who
ne> eded to be removed from power; he was, and he did.  However, it might
hav> e been a good idea A) not to have put him power in the first place, B)
no> t to have supplied him with the chemical and biological weapons he so
fam> ously used on the Iranians and the Kurds, and C) to have learned the
less> ons of our own sad history in creating and/or propping up mad dictators
j> ust because they temporarily suit our purpose.  Manuel Noriega.  Papa
Doc>   Baby Doc.  General Pinochet.  Ferdinand Marcos.  Battista.  The Shah.
>  The House of Saud.  I'd try to list them all, but I'm afraid of getting
> carpal tunnel.
> Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment  Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN
Explorer>  download : http://explorer.msn.com

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