[Vision2020] Re: Cloning

Peter Willard petew@completebbs.com
Sat, 20 Sep 2003 11:37:38 -0700

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At 10:53 AM 9/20/03 -0700, Tom Hansen wrote:
>Could this research (concerning diabetes and cancer) progressively continue
>with parts "donated" by people who have died by natural causes?  I, myself,
>am a donor (and is reflected as such on my driver's license)?  If so, I
>would support legislation against cloning for medical purposes.

Let's say you can choose between getting a new kidney, for example, cloned 
from your own kidney or a kidney taken from a prisoner in a Chinese 
concentration camp.  The prisoner option is one that being selected by some 
Americans today. The prisoners used for "donation" do get better rations 
and fewer beatings prior to their "donation", for what it's worth.

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