Tim Lohrmann timlohr@yahoo.com
Fri, 5 Sep 2003 10:56:57 -0700 (PDT)


On Sunday 9/7/03 MOSCOW MORNING VIEWS, a talk show on
KUOI 89.3 FM in Moscow(web audio on KUOI.org) will
feature the following guest: 

--In the first hour (9-10 am) Spring Dowse, the
Sojourner's Alliance Stonewall Health Project
Coordinator will be in the studio to discuss HIV, AIDS
and her work in helping those dealing with this
problem on the Palouse.

--In the second hour (10-11 am) we will finish up the
discussion with Spring, and possibly move on to other
topics and open-line phone calls. 

MOSCOW MORNING VIEWS is aired live every Sunday
Morning from 9-11 am on KUOI 89.3 FM and streamed live
on the internet on KUOI's website(KUOI.org) 

Call in phone #'s: 885-6392 or 885-6393 

Anyone with comments, questions or suggestions for
guests can send e-mail to: timlohr@yahoo.com OR call
the studio after the show at the numbers above. 

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