[Vision2020] Boycotts

Peter Willard petew@completebbs.com
Tue, 21 Oct 2003 18:57:59 -0700

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At 05:43 PM 10/21/03 -0700, Jim Baillargeon wrote:
>    Um, perhaps a small point, but, this *is NOT a democracy, but a Republic*.


"And revolutions also take place from the ancestral form of democracy to 
one of the most modern kind; for where the magistracies are elective, but 
not on property-assessments, and the people elect, men ambitious of office 
by acting as popular leaders bring things to the point of the people's 
being sovereign even over the laws. A remedy to prevent this or to reduce 
its extent is for the tribes to elect the magistrates, and not the people 

Compare with the 17th Amendment as an exercise. I think Aristotle would say 
we were a democracy in the most extreme sense ("sovereign even over the 
laws") as he understood the term.

>  If, as you say , we are a democracy,i.e. majority rule, would you submit 
> if Richard Butler could get enough clowns to support his position??
The KKK was a serious contender in national politics in the 1920s  In 
Whitman county, they burned a huge cross on Steptoe Butte; there's a photo 
of it that someone might have or know where on the web to see it perhaps.


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