[Vision2020] re: 911

Cjsnightclub@aol.com Cjsnightclub@aol.com
Sat, 22 Nov 2003 21:22:56 EST

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Am I missing something here? We are gonna pay $375,000.00 a year to Whitman 
County to supply us with 911 service. Yet, we can buy our own 911 service for 
$600,000.00. I don't get it. If we were to buy our own 911 service it would be 
paid for in less than two years. It seems to me the people that sell the 911 
equipment would be tickled pink to get a check from us this year for 
$300,000.00 and carry us for twelve months and get another check for $300,000.00. 
Doesn't that put us ahead?  Because two years to Whitman County would be 
$750,000.00. What about three years, four years, five years.............how many millions 
have we wasted now? Or did I miss something?

Phil Roderick

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Am I missing something here? We are gonna pay $375,000=
.00 a year to Whitman County to supply us with 911 service. Yet, we can buy=20=
our own 911 service for $600,000.00. I don't get it. If we were to buy our o=
wn 911 service it would be paid for in less than two years. It seems to me t=
he people that sell the 911 equipment would be tickled pink to get a check f=
rom us this year for $300,000.00 and carry us for twelve months and get anot=
her check for $300,000.00. Doesn't that put us ahead?&nbsp; Because two year=
s to Whitman County would be $750,000.00. What about three years, four years=
, five years.............how many millions have we wasted now? Or did I miss=
Phil Roderick</FONT></HTML>
