[Vision2020] Idaho public school makes national news

Donovan Arnold donovanarnold@hotmail.com
Tue, 27 May 2003 17:44:13 -0700

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
<P>Dale Courtney predictably asked, as Strom Thurmond had once asked:</P>
<P>"If *parents* wanted to have their children in such an environment, would you </P></DIV>
<P>support the parents in their choices for their children?"</P>
<P>I will answer this in four parts to make sure he understands. </P>
<P>1) "Would I support&nbsp;a parent's right to choose to have their children go to a school segregated by race, disability, religion or Gender, on MY&nbsp;TAX DOLLARS"? No, I would&nbsp;not. If I am going to pay for their child to go to school I would want to make sure it was a just school that gave each child a fair shake in every subject regardless of these factors.</P>
<P>2) Would I support a parents right to choose to have their children go to a school segregated on the basis of race, disability, religion, or gender on their own dollars in a private school. Yes, but I would disagree with the decision to do so.</P>
<P>3) "If *parents* wanted to have their children in such an environment, would you </P>
<P>&gt;support the parents in their choices for their children?"</P>
<P>This is the same argument made for NOT desegregating&nbsp;public schools on the basis of race.&nbsp;Parents were strongly opposed to the idea of having their children in the same classroom as a Black&nbsp;person. This was a decision that they thought was best for their children. Would you support desegregation, or segregation Dale? Try supporting gender segregation without making the ones used 50 years ago.</P>
<P>Decisions for children made by parents are sometimes bad ones (does not mean that there is ill intent) it just happens. If the school tells them their child is better off, who would not want them&nbsp;better off. But statistics don't support that conclusion, the facts don't support that conclusion, and history points in the opposite direction. Even if they did&nbsp;show support for improvements in math, science, english, and history, what about things they don't&nbsp;test for like social skills,&nbsp;personal development, and ability to effectively communicate with others that see things differently then you do. This are vital skills in the development of a child that are harder to learn when older or as an adult. It is clear that knowing how to get along with the opposite gender is vital to having a successful career (and this far outweighs the risk of contracting the coodies) </P>
<P>Finally,&nbsp;Dale, I will ask you the same question: </P>
<P>"Would you support&nbsp;the&nbsp;parents decision that wanted their child to attend classes of mixed gender to develop those skills in this same school district? And if so, how would&nbsp;you make that right compatible in an environment where classes&nbsp;were segregated?"&nbsp;&nbsp;</P>
<P>Donovan J Arnold</P>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;From: "Dale Courtney" <DALE@COURTNEYS.US>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Idaho public school makes national news 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 16:45:47 -0700 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Donovan Arnold predictably wrote: 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; &gt; I would have to say that I strongly dislike this idea. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;If *parents* wanted to have their children in such an environment, would you 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;support the parents in their choices for their children? 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Or do your preferences and ideas for education outweigh the desires, 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;responsibilities, and authority of the parents? 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Dale Courtney 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Moscow, Idaho 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; List services made available by First Step Internet, 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; http://www.fsr.net 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com 
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