[Vision2020] Practicality in the Midst of Moral Philosophy...

Bill London london@moscow.com
Mon, 26 May 2003 10:02:12 -0700

In the search for any subject other than debating deities....I welcome the
squirrel solution.  Our solution is a hanging bird feeder (hanging from the
eaves). Our neighbors have a feeder on a pole and they resorted to a metal
skirt about 18 inches in diameter mounted halfway up the pole.
Oh, those pesky rodents....

Don Kaag wrote:

> Visionaries:
> O.K., now all of the droning on relativist morality, the philosophy of
> deities and digital whatsyoumacallits is making my head hurt.
> For a change of pace, does anyone else have a bird feeder?  I have a
> bird feeder on my deck, which I can see while sitting at my dining room
> table.  I think I may have solved the pernicious squirrel problem.
> My wife, normally a sweet and gentle woman, has been driven to
> distraction by the local tribe of squirrels, who continually climb up
> to the feeder and either eat the sunflower seeds or scatter them
> heedlessly hither and yon, and the birds go hungry.  She tried oiling
> the pole... the squirrels climbed it easily, and seemed to enjoy the
> taste of the olive oil, and when my wife added cayenne pepper,
> developed a taste for Mexican food.  She bought a Super-Soaker and
> waited in ambush for the critters... they came to view it as their
> daily shower, and continued their depredations.  She got a bowl of
> gravel from the driveway and kept it next to the deck door, to throw at
> them.  They simply dodged the rocks.  Yelling at them elicited only
> alert, and possibly amused, looks from the little thieves.
> Finally, a long-time friend who now lives in San Diego suggested the
> only thing that has actually worked.  The pole from which the feeder
> hangs is black wrought iron with a hook at the top.  I went out and
> bought a cheap Slinky toy at a toy store and slipped it over the hook,
> and down the pole.  The squirrels can't climb it!  Huzza!  It actually
> works!
> As for the rest of the debate, I have a paperback copy of Bertrand
> Russell's "Theory of the External Universe" around here somewhere...
> Regards,
> Don Kaag
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