[Vision2020] Racism - yes, once again
Fri, 23 May 2003 12:43:48 -0700
Dear visionaries,
The principle stands, but the application is wrong. Steve Wilkins is a dear
friend, he will be here again this coming winter for our history
conference, doesn't have a racist bone in his body, and gets my jokes. So,
sure, lump me in with him.
At 03:05 PM 5/23/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear Visionaries and Doug Wilson:
>Just to rephrase Doug's email a bit: You cannot seek out and associate
>with Steve Wilkins and not be like him (at least philosophically).
>Choosing to sponsor "seminars" conducted by Wilkins, a man closely
>associated with racist groups, who also writes and teaches racially biased
>and inaccurate history, doesn't make a very strong argument in favor of a
>claim to a non-racist ideology at Christ Church and New Saint Andrews. I
>tend to believe what my Mom used to say, "birds of a feather flock
>together" or, what I told my kids "lay down with dogs and you'll come up
>with fleas."
>Rosemary Huskey