[Vision2020] Gimme my money, George
Deacon James
Sun, 29 Jun 2003 13:10:14 -0700
I have no idea what this means.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joan Opyr" <auntiestablishment@hotmail.com>
To: <vision2020@moscow.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 12:47 PM
Subject: [Vision2020] Gimme my money, George
> Good heavens above! If, as John Harrell suggests, the only choice we have
> is between supporting vouchers for private religious schools or Nazism,
> please, Logos, etc., take my money. I can't remember all of the words to
> the Horst Wessel, I'm not limber enough to goose-step, and, unlike Adolf
> Hitler, I am not a vegetarian.
> Perhaps what we need in this country is more selective taxation. John is
> tired of having his money "freed" from his pocketbook to pay for public
> education when he doesn't even use it. I say, right on. Give John his
> money back, and give me mine, too. Here are some things I'm tired of
> for:
> 1) I'm tired of paying for the Secret Service to chase Jenna Bush from
> mill to gin mill. Couldn't AA just lend her a sponsor?
> 2) I'm tired of paying for maintenance on Route 66 and the Pacific Coast
> Highway. I've never even driven on the damn things.
> 3) I'm tired of stocking the shelves at Archer Daniels Midlands,
> Supermarket to the World. And why am I subsidizing the expansion of
> McDonald's into Russia and China? I feel hamburgled.
> 4) I'm tired of paying for those pasties John Ashcroft puts on topless
> statues at the Justice Department. Does he really think people will
> the figure of blind justice for a lap dancer?
> 5) I'm tired of paying for Strom Thurmond's diapers. Wait--scratch that
> one.
> I'll be waiting for my check. Perhaps it'll come when those millions of
> low-income families get their child tax credits.
> In anticipation,
> Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment
> Serving Idaho's liberal elite since 1993
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