[Vision2020] Common Sense

John Harrell johnbharrell@yahoo.com
Sun, 1 Jun 2003 20:56:36 -0700 (PDT)

Mr. Donovan Arnold,

"Never mind the federal government spends about $26 Billion on education.."

That is an awful lot of money the federal government is spending. I am sure
you went to school. Can you show me where in the constitution the federal 
government is authorized to be spending this money on education? Then, can 
you show me where in the UN Charter, it is authorized to be spending money on 
education? So my next question would be, if the federal government can be
spending this money on education, why not the UN? I am curious as to where
we draw the line, if one should even be drawn, regarding who (or what entity)
should be spending money on education.

John Harrell

--- Donovan Arnold <donovanarnold@hotmail.com> wrote:


Lets Follow Phil Roderick's Logic to repair the MSD based on the his following

Phil Wrote: "School budget repair: 

1) Class size increased to 30 students. (We had better test scores with more students per

Then why stop here Phil at 30 if: Large Class size = better test scores?

Lets pack those kids in like sardines. How about we make the each grade one giant class.
This will send the class test scores sky high!

Phil Wrote: "2) Combine the two elementary schools into one."

Great Idea! This will work too if we have 100 students per class. Who gives a crap about
fire regulations, RIGHT PHIL? Let those little brats burn if they can't squeeze outta da
building in time, besides, less children means less school and that means LESS TAXES!
What about room for children in wheelchairs? Who cares about this either huh, they can
just peer in through the window outside over the heads of the other 99 students. If it
bothers the kid in the wheelchair oh well, they shouda thought about that before getting
into one. They don't need enough bathrooms either, the boys can just go outside.
Cafeteria space, no problem either, they can all eat outside too, this will toughen them
up in winter and make the food last longer as they try to chew threw a frozen corndog(Why
corndogs? well they are cheap and we save having to pay TAXES).

Phil Wrote: "3) Teachers double their Union dues. Make the Union happy." 

Yes the Unions would deserve this especially if your plan makes it through.

Phil Wrote: "4) All excess overhead gets pink slips. (Just like the real world. Being a
teacher is no job guarantee for life. None of the rest of us have that assurance.)" 

Gosh Phil, I am not sure we should spend money on pink slips, won't this raise TAXES? A
pink slip costs about 5 cents a piece and means about .000001 cents per Moscow resident,
aren't they paying enough? Lets just fire the teachers, we only need a few and it will
increase test scores. 

Phil Wrote: "5) Remaining teachers get a 15% raise."

Both of them will be so pleased Phil and grateful for your just treatment despite the 16
fold in work load you generated for them! 

Phil wrote: "6) No new levies! Schools must live in budget."

Yeah! Lets screw democracy, I mean if 66% + of the people want to vote and fund education
so their children have a future, NO WAY MAN! I mean look at schools run by Saddam, no
levies were ever put up. Those kids were forced to learn or ELSE! It is clear that
countries like Iraq and China have superior educational system and we can owe it all to
the elimination of allowing residences of the community to increase funding for

Phil Wrote: "7) Remaining cash flow to accumulate to buy new High School and expand the
student experience with computers, etc."

Now here I am a little confused! Why would we build a new high school when first of all
we have a vacant elementary school (see Phil Roderick logic # 2 solution)? Second, larger
class sizes and less funding result in higher test scores so why build more class space?
And third, why would we want computers when TEST SCORES for children have gone way down
since computers were introduced into the main stream school system?

Here are few other suggestion to help the school system along using "Phil Roderick

8) Eliminate electricity, we don't need electricity, people learned better and had higher
TEST SCORES when electricity was not in schools. Light a candle.

9) Eliminate running water. Why do we need this in school, we have a nice clean creek
nearby. If they really need water we can just run a hose from some nearby buildings. We
had higher TEST SCORES before running water.

10) Stop buying textbooks, I mean has Math really changed in the last ten years? If
population of schools increase lets just make them share a book. We had higher TEST
SCORES before texbooks anyway, oh wait! Maybe we didn't on  that one.

11) Get rid of buses. Make the kids walk or ride a bike, it is only about maybe 2 miles
from any house to any school. Who cares about safety. Test scores were higher before we
had buses anyway. We had higher TEST SCORES before buses.

12) Get rid of playgrounds and recreation facilities. They get enough exercise walking to
and from school without buses. If they want to play ball they can do so on their own
time. Not sure about higher TEST SCORES thought. 

13) Get rid of all support staff, janitors, secretaries, principles and others and let
the teachers and students take care of the school.

and Finally,

14) Stop teachers and education staff from flushing $100 bills down the toilet. $100
bills cost about $100 a peice ($120 if it goes through the MSD). Toilet paper should be
used instead. 

The best part of this plan is that allows us to be greedy and self centered individuals
not to be TAXED with a guilt free conscious because their TEST SCORES will be higher. I
mean just because generations of individuals worked very hard and paid extraordinary
amounts of money to make sure we got an education doesn't not mean we owe one thing to
the society that helped us succeed. American life is about taking all you can and
screwing over the future of countless numbers of children so that I can have a better
life right NOW. Never mind that millions of Americans spend more on pet food, porn, beer,
cigarettes and illegal drugs then the future of our children. Never mind the federal
government spends about $26 Billion on education but $400 billion on weapons to kill
unsuspecting women and children halfway across the world. We need to make sure we can by
more porn, more beer, more pet food, more cigarettes, more illegal drugs, and more
nuclear weapons to make sure!  we can blow the world up 12x over instead of a mere 10x
now while pretending to be innocent good willed Christians, it is appearance that counts,
not my actions. And where better to take the resources to do this then children that
don't understand what we are doing to them and are completely helpless to stop us even if
they did. They can't even vote and don't contribute a dime to the American economy, how
so very unpatriotic and selfish of them! 

Donovan J Arnold


>From: Cjsnightclub@aol.com 

>To: vision2020@moscow.com 

>Subject: [Vision2020] Common Sense 

>Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2003 14:56:19 EDT 


>It is utterly amazing to me when some people compare our area with others in 

>regard to teachers salaries. They compare milk and bread. These geniuses need 

>to compare some important data: 


>1) Most of us here live in the confines of a six and a 1/2 month economy. Not 



>2) Number of tax payers per teacher and average incomes of those tax payers 

>that are taxable. 


>3) Number of students per teacher. 


>4) Housing expense, ex: 2 bedroom apartment in Moscow $450.00 - $525.00. 2 

>bedroom apartment in Southern California (non slum) average like around here, 

>$1,200 - 1,400.00 per month. 


>5) Utilities for an apartment around here runs $60-$100.00 per month. In 

>California it is $200.00 per month without air. You do need air for 330 days a 

>year. So that moves your utility cost to $450.00 per month. 


>6) Car Insurance here is 50% less expensive and sometimes more, depending on 

>the car. 


> I don't understand how you can really compare and put a price on the air 

>quality. You know? It definitely has value. Living in Los Angeles I had air 

>purifiers in my home and car because it is so bad. Just breathing the air is 

>equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. 


> Crime! In those areas that you are comparing wages to our teachers is so 

>bad some of the teachers should and probably do wear bullet proof vests and 

>pray there car has it's tires. Or that it is even there. 


> Most of us in Moscow could go to a large city and make 2-4 times what we 

>earn here. There is a price we all must pay to live here. Air is good. Crime is 

>almost non existent (thanks Dan Weaver) housing is reasonable and utilities 

>are fairly priced. 


> If you don't like the pay - move. You don't want to teach - don't. It is a 

>chosen profession. You have freedom of choice. Act on it. You want big pay? 

>Move to where you think it is big pay. When all the numbers are crunched you 

>are going to be right here in the same position. 


> School budget repair: 


>1) Class size increased to 30 students. (We had better test scores with more 

>students per class) 


>2) Combine the two elementary schools into one. 


>3) Teachers double their Union dues. Make the Union happy. 


>4) All excess overhead gets pink slips. (Just like the real world. Being a 

>teacher is no job guarantee for life. None of the rest of us have that 



>5) Remaining teachers get a 15% raise. 


>6) No new levies! Schools must live in budget. 


>7) Remaining cash flow to accumulate to buy new High School and expand the 

>student experience with computers, etc. 



>Phil Roderick 

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