[Vision2020] guerilla warfare

Ted Moffett ted_moffett@hotmail.com
Thu, 17 Jul 2003 19:35:00 +0000

Carl et. al.

Quagmire?  A relative term!

Considering that it took hundreds of years to democratize and pacify the 
unruly and Godless natives here on Turtle Island (North America to you 
invading Europeans), we should be patient with Iraq.  In hundreds of years 
we should be able to democratize and pacify Iraq, don't you think?


>From: "Carl Westberg" <carlwestberg846@hotmail.com>
>To: vision2020@moscow.com
>Subject: [Vision2020] guerilla warfare
>Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 09:13:57 -0700
>Just a couple of weeks ago in a press conference, Donald Rumsfeld reacted 
>to the term guerilla warfare in regards to Iraq with his patented, 
>endearing, sneering, condescending, "you're not a patriot, are you" kind of 
>response.  Hell no, this isn't guerilla warfare, said Rumsfeld, these are 
>terrorist attacks.  Now that Gen. Abizaid had said that, indeed, this is 
>guerilla warfare, it's apparently not unpatriotic to use that term.  To 
>push the envelope a little, would it still be unpatriotic to ask a one word 
>question:  Quagmire?                                                        
>                                                                       Carl 
>Westberg Jr.
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