[Vision2020] Filtering E-mail Redux

David Camden-Britton davidcb@acm.org
Wed, 16 Jul 2003 19:58:06 -0700

Reposting this for folks who are tired of certain person's
One of the neat features of modern e-mail programs is a setting known as
a &quot;filter&quot;.&nbsp; It allows you to automagically route messages
to various mailboxes, or the trash, based on criteria you choose.&nbsp;
It makes it fairly quick and painless to remove an unwanted presence from
your e-mail.<br><br>
Here's how to do this in the Eudora E-mail client:<br>
On the top menu bar click:&nbsp; Special --&gt; Make Filter<br><br>
A dialogue box will come up where you fill in the name of who you'd like
to filter.&nbsp; For instance, if you'd like to filter posts made by
Douglas Stambler, enter:&nbsp; Douglas Stambler
&lt;stopchristchurch@yahoo.com&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; in the &quot;From&quot;
box. <br><br>
On the bottom of the dialogue box, there is a setting for where to send
the filtered message.&nbsp; Select &quot;Delete Message (Send to
Trash)&quot; if you'd like.<br><br>
Now, whenever you receive a message that matches that criteria, Eudora
will automagically send it to the trash bin. No muss, little
If you use Yahoo to read your e-mail, it can be done by selecting
&quot;Mail Options&quot; at the main e-mail window. Then &quot;Block
Addresses&quot;. Enter &quot;stopchristchurch@yahoo.com &quot;, for
example, and it will be added to your blocked list.&nbsp; <br><br>
For Microsoft Outlook, at the top menu bar select:&nbsp; Tools --&gt;
Rules Wizard<br><br>
When the Rules Wizard dialogue box pops up, select &quot;Add&quot;.&nbsp;
Under &quot;Which type of Rule do you want to create&quot;, select
&quot;Move new messages from someone&quot;. <br><br>
Select the underlined &quot;People&quot; link and a Rule Address box will
pop up.&nbsp; If you don't have Douglas Stambler in your list of people,
then select &quot;Create New Contact&quot;, enter his information and
e-mail address then hit OK.&nbsp; Now, select his name, and click the
&quot;From-&gt;&quot; button and it will be added to the list on the
right. Hit OK. <br><br>
Click the underlined &quot;Specified folder&quot; and select Deleted
If you want to be trickier, add more conditions, but otherwise click
&quot;Next-&gt;&quot; twice and give this rule a name. Select
Make sure the rule has a checkmark in the box, then click OK.&nbsp;
For other e-mail clients or systems, please consult your documentation
(F1 will bring up a help menu, usually. Look for &quot;Filters&quot; or
&quot;Rules&quot; under the help search feature. <br><br>
Hope this helps.<br><br>
<font face="Courier New, Courier">David Camden-Britton -=)*(=-&nbsp;
davidcb@acm.org</font> </body>