[Vision2020] 30 Reasons To Become A Christian

thansen@moscow.com thansen@moscow.com
Fri, 11 Jul 2003 17:56:58 GMT

Would I have to give up my monthly devil worship and virgin sacrifice seminars?

Tom Hansen

> 30 Reasons To Become A Christian
> by Douglas Stambler
> 30. You get 24/7 customer service.
> 29. Christians make better husbands and wives.
> 28. Living in poverty can now be seen in a positive light!
> 27. Now you can tell your friends how to do all they can do to become 
Christians, too.
> 26. You can understand God a lot better.
> 25. You won't mind watching cheesy, Christian films about the Rapture.
> 24. You were tired of paying membership dues to the Masons, anyway, weren't 
> 23. The architecture is terrific.
> 22. You don't need a membership card.
> 21. Who needs to golf on Sundays?
> 20. The persecution is a whole lot of fun.
> 19. The Roman Empire has come and gone.
> 18. You can eat as much pork as you want to.
> 17. Everybody's doing it...
> 16. Now you can be a hypocrite, too! (just joking)
> 15. Maybe the Crusades will come around again, and you'll get that 
opportunity you always
wanted...to travel.
> 14. God wants you to.
> 13. Karma is not what it's cracked up to be.
> 12. Your life will improve in every way imaginable.
> 11. Maybe you're tired of not being a Christian.
> 10. Because Jesus Christ was in fact God.
> 9. Because millions of people can't be wrong about the fact that Jesus is God.
> 8. Now you can pray for rain without the confusion of praying to "the rain 
> 7. Only Christ can release you from the burdens of your sins.
> 6. Free love is totally overrated.
> 5. The Twilight Zone is terrible inaccurate about the "supernatural."  God 
really does
> 4. If it's good enough for Bob Dylan, then...
> 3. Think of all those great hymns you get to sing now!
> 2. You can come alive for once.
> 1. Because Jesus Christ came, and died for you.
> ---------------------------------
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