[Vision2020] Media Watch

Sunil Ramalingam sunilramalingam@hotmail.com
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 10:46:35 -0800

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<P>Mr. Steed raises this question:</P>
<P>' "preemptive strikes" Now there is the question. Had we known about the plans for 9/11 and known they were concentrated in a single country which would not support our going after them, would you have supported a preemptive strike? In other words, is the problem lack of evidence that concerns you about Iraq or preemptive strikes in particular?'</P>
<P>As far as 'preemptive attacks' as a rationale for this war is concerned, I do have a problem with the lack of evidence&nbsp;that Iraq is planning to attack us or is linked to those who have attacked us.&nbsp;</P>
<P>Another concern is that we&nbsp;will end up occupying Iraq and controlling their oil fields.&nbsp; I think&nbsp;this is going to encourage terrorist attacks against us.&nbsp;&nbsp;When that happens, where will our use of 'preemptive attacks' lead us?&nbsp; Will we bomb the&nbsp;entire region?&nbsp; Where will we stop?</P>
<P>Ultimately, I am concerned about both an attack on Iraq in particular, and preemptive attacks in general.&nbsp; I do not believe we will be safer in the long run if we go to war with Iraq.&nbsp; </P>
<P>Sunil Ramalingam&nbsp;<BR><BR></P></DIV>
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