[Vision2020] Violations of international law

Bob Hoffmann escape@alt-escape.com
Wed, 05 Feb 2003 14:40:13 -0800

At 01:37 PM 2/5/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>Gee.  Here is a surprise.  Some backward, third-world country (Mexico) has
>not announced any plans to take military action against the US.

I think you've brought up a point that's been lost on me here.  It is only 
the U.S. that gets to take military action against backward, third-world 
countries.  Vice versa would be utterly silly, because of the disparity of 
military power.  And of course, points of justification are not worth 
mentioning in either case.

Bob Hoffmann
820 S. Logan St.
Moscow, ID  83843

Tel: 208 883-0642