[Vision2020] on behalf of Jackie Woolf

thansen@moscow.com thansen@moscow.com
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 21:40:47 GMT

Very well put, Rose.

And I was hoping to add some color to the "Not On The Palouse" website with 
some pictures.  Oh, well . . . February is coming up.

See y'all at the SUB,

Tom Hansen
Just another liberal elitist loose in the Palouse

> Dear Visionaries,
> I rarely reply to any post either written by, or "on behalf of" Jackie Woolf. 
>  In this instance, however, and in the interest of accurate information, I'd 
> like to be perfectly clear.  A copy of an email (with the "correct" return 
> address from David Irving's website) was forwarded to us by a friend last 
> In the note, and (perhaps the person who forwarded will be willing to mail a 
> copy of the text to V20/20), David Irving confirmed that he was coming to 
> Moscow today from Portland.  He named the Mark IV as the place he would be 
> drinks before dinner, dinner, and a lecture.  He also said that he would have 
> books for sale and would be happy to autograph them for those attending.  
> I called the Mark IV this am and spoke to a young man named Nathan.  Nathan 
> confirmed that there was a dinner reservation for 30 people, made by a person 
> named Alfred Holder, or Holden.  He said there would be a speaker but he did 
> not know the topic or name of the speaker.  I told him that I had read an 
> from David Irving announcing his arrival and his schedule at the Mark IV.  I 
> explained that David Irving was a Neo-Nazi and a holocaust denier.  I said it 
> was a pity that the Mark IV, which has provided hospitality to this town for 
> many, many years would have a man like David Irving speaking in their 
> establishment.  I also said that I hoped many community folks would be 
involved in a 
> peaceful protest.  I suggested that he discuss with the management the issues 
> involved.  Apparently a discussion did follow at the Mark IV and they made 
> decision not to allow Irving to speak.  And by the way, thanks to anyone who 
> contacted Mark IV with similar concerns.
> Subsequently, I received an email from Saundra saying that David Irving would 
> not be welcome or speaking at the Mark IV.  As usual, Jackie (or, "on her 
> behalf," who ever that might be) has gotten hold of only half the story, 
> her own CAPS and spewed her version of the truth.  
> Does David Irving tell lies?  I think we all know that he does.  Was this a 
> ruse by person or persons unknown?  Perhaps, but it is a fairly elaborate one 
> if that is the case.  
> I urge all community members who care about this issue to stop in for (at 
> least) a cup of coffee at the Mark IV over the holiday period ahead.  They 
> deserve our thanks and our support for their courageous decision to do their 
> (and put their money where their mouth is) to stop hate speech on the 
> Three cheers for them!!!!
> Best,
> Rose.
> P.S.  And if it turns out that the Mark IV is open to night for grateful 
> community members to show our appreciation would someone please notify the 
> readers.
> Thanks again Mark IV management and staff.

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