[Vision2020] Corporal Punishment & Logos School: Guess My Question . . .

Saundra Lund sslund@adelphia.net
Sun, 14 Dec 2003 07:31:33 -0800

Luke Nieuwsma wrote:
"I happen to be a student at Logos school and yes, corporal punishment is
practiced. I myself was spanked 8 years ago when I cheated on a math test.
Quite frankly, I deserved it. <snip> I still remember that day, and I am
very grateful that I didn't go unpunished."

Thanks for the belated answer (8+/- months after the fact) to my simple
question about corporal punishment at Logos -- I appreciate your honesty.
I'm quite willing to stipulate that you weren't participating in Vision 2020
when I asked the question, or that you didn't see it, but I know others with
the knowledge *were* participating and *did* see my question yet didn't
answer it.  It wasn't until Ms. Drollinger attempted to go public that my
question was *finally* answered.

I, too, am glad your cheating didn't go unpunished.  However, I believe you
could have been taught the same lesson (I certainly was) without being
spanked/swatted/whacked at school, and I'm genuinely sorry you think
corporal punishment at school is an acceptable way to teach children.

Luke also wrote:
"my parents had signed a waiver giving the Logos staff permission, if
deserved, to spank me."

As a parent myself, I'm sorry to see parents willing to give others the
authority to use corporal punishment against their child in any situation

Luke also wrote:
"And by God's law and state law, Logos is free to do this, as well as any
other school in Idaho."

What a sad state of affairs it is that Idaho hasn't enacted a statewide ban
on the use of corporal punishment in public schools.  However, that does NOT
mean that corporal punishment is allowable in any school in the state as you
claim.  Individual schools -- public and private -- and school districts
throughout the state have specific rules prohibiting corporal punishment.
I'd imagine, too, that there is another set of schools that while they may
not have a formal prohibition of corporal punishment, there is de facto

Luke also wrote:
"Another thing that I feel really needs addressing is the opinion which you
and Ms. Drollinger hold quite strongly, that Doug Wilson has direct control
over Logos."

Sorry . . . you must have me confused with someone else.  I have no idea
whether or not Mr. Wilson "has direct control over Logos," and, quite
frankly I DON'T CARE.  However, I do I find the attempt to distance *Christ
Church* and Logos School from each other disingenuous.

Further, I don't believe, nor have I ever implied, that ALL Christ Church
members send their kids to Logos School, or that ALL Logos students attend
(or have parents who attend) Christ Church.  However, in my opinion, only
those genuinely uninformed or deliberately misleading would deny a strong
connection between Christ Church and Logos School.

Luke also wrote:
"The doctrine we're taught is not Wilson doctrine, it is simply the truths
of the Bible."

Correction:  a particular interpretation of a particular translation of the
truths of the Bible.  I guarantee you that my childhood pastor and my
grandmamma (different denominations yet two of the most devout Christians
I've ever had the privilege of knowing) would be rolling over in their
graves at your interpretations, as presented in various Vision 2020 posts,
of Biblical truths.

Finally, Luke wrote:
"One older gentleman, one of the liberals, told her that he was the public,
and that she should shut up."

Hmmm . . . interesting.  How do you *know* this man was a liberal?  You know
him personally?  He just spontaneously confessed to you?  You are a seer
with vision into his convictions?  

Besides, since when did yelling at people to "shut up" become acceptable
behavior???  Sounds to me like the Christ Church Christians who were in
charge of the so-called "town hall meeting" failed to provide an atmosphere
of civil discourse.  Ahhh . . . but, then I guess you'd blame that failure
on the wicked liberals, eh?

Saundra Lund
Moscow, ID

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do
-Edmund Burke