[Vision2020] The rich get richer and...

Tina Cunningham kittz_cat@yahoo.com
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 13:19:39 -0700 (PDT)

Mr. Courtney,

I make $6.75 an hour, pay rent in this university
town, pay my student loans every month, not to mention
my other bills such as insurance. I have MAYBE $20
left over for food and gas.  When I get my tax money
back at the beginning of the year, I pay more BILLS
off.  There is NO WAY I can save any money to get
ahead.  I don't believe this hogwash that the rich get
richer and the poor do too......I can't even IMAGINE
if I had kids.....although I know quite a few people
that make the same amount of money that I do that make
it work. If not for the food banks, their children
would starve.
I read in  the Moscow Pullman Daily News last year
that the LIVING wage (a wage that would enable people
to actually SAVE money every month) is $10 an hour. 
That will NEVER happen in this town, because they can
just hire a college student that will take the minimum
wage job.  Doesn't seem right, but that is business.

***I could not see the attachment Mr Courtney. It came
up blank on my computer.

Tina Cunningham

--- Dale Courtney <dale@courtneys.us> wrote:
> Visionaries,
> Someone recently mentioned on this list that "tax
> cuts mean the rich get
> richer and the poor get poorer."
> I thought it would be of interest to everyone that
> the census bureau
> information demonstrates rather that the rich get
> richer -- but so do the
> poor. 
> As President Kennedy said, "a rising tide lifts all
> boats". In other words,
> economic policy either generates positive results,
> in which case all income
> classes benefit, or causes stagnation and decline,
> in which case all groups
> suffer. 
> As the chart below illustrates, the high tax
> policies of the late 1970s and
> early 1990s are associated with weak economic
> performance, while the low tax
> rates of the 1980s are correlated with rising
> incomes for all quintiles.
> Likewise, all income groups enjoyed increases in
> income after the 1997
> capital gains tax cut. 
> Best,
> Dale Courtney
> (debunking leftist slogans in an attempt to end
> class warfare)
>   _____  
>   <http://courtneys.us/MSD/images/bg1415cht3[1].gif>

"Would you not like to be.....sittin on top of the world with your legs hanging free....."  **Dave Matthews Band

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