[Vision2020] Stop corporate tax dodging

Tina Cunningham kittz_cat@yahoo.com
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 23:28:54 -0700 (PDT)

--- Garrett Clevenger <onewildearth@hotmail.com>
Nader is a scape goat who does not deserve the
criticism some are giving him over the election.  The
bottom line is he has done a lot to make this country
a better place. 

I agree with you 100%!!  He is all about the
protection of the PEOPLE, not his corporate
sponsors...wait a minute....he has no corporate
sponsors, because he will not accept soft money. 
I have to say his speech was very moving and very
patriotic in a non-corporate, pro-enviornment sense. 
I thuroughly enjoy his no-crap-taking attitude towards
our government.
Always the activist...
 Tina Cunningham

"Would you not like to be.....sittin on top of the world with your legs hanging free....."  **Dave Matthews Band

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