Tim Lohrmann timlohr@yahoo.com
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 22:15:33 -0700 (PDT)

    A friend sent this to another list I belong to.
Some of his thoughts might be interesting, some
probably aren't. This list he is discussing is a
little different since it's moderated. 
    Either way, I thought this might be a good read.

Based on the recent past, it seems this list serve has
caused significant grief to many members, I would like
to offer some thoughts for your consideration in order
to make things work better.  This e-mail is not
intended to reprimand or irritate anyone although I am
sure it will hit a nerve or two.  It is a perspective
based on 8 long years of experience dealing with
political e-mail reflectors.

You folks do not hear much from me on the reflectors
because of my past 8 years of experience on them. 
Some of the things that I say in this e-mail you may
disagree with or take exception to, but, trust me,
experience does sometimes count.  Please just hear me
out as I attempt to make this as brief as possible.

First, some observations and comments gained over the
years about most people who frequently participate in
political lists:

1.  In every group of people, there are always a few
that are out of step with the majority and the list
offers an excellent place for this condition to be
revealed.  (Comment:  The real issue at hand is how
much impact do you want the few to have on the overall
group?  Not much I hope.)

2.  There is apparently an inherent desire of most
people to voice their 2-cents worth on any topic
regardless of how ludicrous the topic may be.  They
like to hear themselves talk.  (Comment:  Before
throwing in your opinion, ask yourself, ³Is what I am
about to post going to benefit anyone in any way?²  If
the answer is no, donıt post it.)

3.  Most people who post to list serves are looking
for others to agree with them on their opinion.  They
usually believe that their opinion is the only correct
opinion on a particular issue.  (Comment:  Unless you
want to agree with them, you might as well not respond
with an opinion.)

4.  Some people believe that they can actually change
anotherıs opinion if they can just get their 2-cents
worth in on the topic.  (Comment:  Think back in time
as to how many times one of your e-mails has actually
changed someoneıs opinion on an issue.  Iıll bet the
answer is almost never.  So, why bother?) 

5.  A list serve is not a good debating tool since it
is time consuming and open to misinterpretation. 
(Comment:  If you want a real debate, call the person
on the phone and hash it out.  Donıt load up
everyoneıs e-mail inbox with your typing skills.)

6.  A reflector is a great place to attack someone
else since anything can be misinterpreted in the
uninflected e-mail environment.  (Comments:  If
attacking a fellow list member about their opinion is
your idea of a great accomplishment or having a good
time, I would recommend that you try ³getting a

7.  Most people who post a lot to reflectors do not
have enough constructive things to do. Otherwise, they
would not have time to post as much as they do or the
time to go looking for or reading all the things that
they post.  

Second, the bottom-line to controlling the negative
environment on list serves is simple and will reflect
well upon everyone.  It is not the job of the
moderator to become the gestapo of speech.  Rather, it
is the responsibility of all members on the reflector
to exercise some common sense.  Some guidelines I
would recommend are:

1.  Post only items that are constructive.  If you
desire to run your own AP or UPI news wire, e-mail
your news articles directly to each individual via
their direct e-mail address.  Donıt use the reflectors
as your news wire vehicle.

2.  If you want a debate, place a telephone call to
the person whoıs mind you wish to change.  Real
understanding can be attained in this fashion and, if
not, it is better to be made a fool of one-on-one than

3.  If someone posts something that you feel is
contrary to the purpose of the list serve, donıt be
drawn into the trap of lending legitimacy to it by
replying with a comment.  Ignore it.  An orator
without an audience will become silent.  

By applying some common sense to our list, together,
we can change our reflector into a positive tool
instead of the mess it has become.

In keeping with my past experiences and what I have
written above, if you agree in principle with what I
have said, post it.  Otherwise, I will not debate you
on the reflector.  Just give me a telephone call.

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