[Vision2020] Isn't This Racist?
Dale Courtney
Mon, 7 Apr 2003 09:39:10 -0700
> Ah! Now I see why Dale thought I'd be surprised to discover the
> demographics of the Armed Forces . . .
> >Bean-counting liberals want to ensure that there is a fair racial-mix
> >dieing
> >on the front lines.
> This liberal, although not much on bean counting, actually
> would like most
> to ensure that no-one was dying on the front lines. But if
> people must
> serve in the military, shouldn't they do so in a way that
> reflects the
> population?
Here's a site that shows the faces of those who have died (sorry about the
background music that cannot be turned off):
I think that if you take a "SWAG" at the race of those who died (based on
appearance and names--not perfect, of course), you will find that they
reflect society in general.
> Should we return to policies like those in Viet
> Nam which
> allowed the rich, the privileged, and nearly all of our
> current government,
> from the President on down, to escape serving?
That's why I'm glad we have a volunteer armed services.
For an economic discussion of why the armed services should be volunteer
only, see: http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/Conscription.html
> I believe, to quote a film, "what we have here is a failure
> to communicate."
Wouldn't be the first time! :)