[Vision2020] Talk Show 4/6/03: Downtown Moscow Parking

Tim Lohrmann timlohr@yahoo.com
Sat, 5 Apr 2003 12:02:48 -0800 (PST)

    On Sunday 4/6/03 MOSCOW MORNING VIEWS, a talk
show on KUOI 89.3 FM in Moscow(web audio on  KUOI.org)
will feature the following guests:
    --In the first hour (9-10 am) Natalie Cruz, who
works in Downtown Moscow will come on to discuss
parking problems in the downtown area.
    --In the second hour (10-11 am)we'll either
continue discussing the parking and traffic issues
and/or take open line calls from listeners.
    MOSCOW MORNING VIEWS is aired live every Sunday
Morning from 9-11 am on KUOI 89.3 FM and streamed live
on the internet on KUOI's website(KUOI.org)
Call in phone #'s: 885-6392 or 885-6392
Anyone with comments, questions or suggestions for
guests can send e-mail to: timlohr@yahoo.com

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