[Vision2020] What if Iraq wins the war?

Donovan Arnold donovanarnold@hotmail.com
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 17:41:34 -0800

I think it is possible for Iraq to win the war. Maybe not defeat the United 
States Governments with bombs, but look at Vietnam, we clearly lost that 
war. Yet Vietnamese did not cross the Atlantic in rafts and defeat the 
United States. I think one of two outcomes will occur from this war.

1) The United States and the Coalition of the Killing, I mean Willing,will 
defeat the Republican Guard and US troops are killed in the streets by Iraqi 
citizens that wish us to leave.

2) The US spends billions and billions unable to bring down Saddam. Hundreds 
if not thousands of our boys and girls are killed in action gaining little 
ground. Bush is defeated in the 2004 election for causing all these deaths 
and accomplishing nothing in the long wrong but the world hating the US.

When we are the Number 2 enemy in Iraq, and we take out the number 1 enemy, 
who do you think becomes the number 1 enemy? Who becomes the target? That is 
why I oppose this war, killing people for no purpose.

Saddam might be dead and we don't even know, yet Iraqis are still being 
killed by Iraqis. They were killed before Saddam, they are being killed now, 
and they will continue to be killed by their government long after Saddam is 
dead. Saddam has maintained power because he understands his country far 
more then Bush, and he will use this to stop us from taking him out of 

Donovan Arnold

>From: Don Kaag <dkaag@turbonet.com>
>To: Vision 2020 <vision2020@moscow.com>
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] What if Iraq wins the war?
>Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 16:30:01 -0800
>I swear, you ARE a caution!  That's got to be a joke.
>But O.K., I'll play:
>If Iraq wins the war, they can paddle crude rafts across the Atlantic or 
>Pacific, come to the U.S., put up pictures of Uncle Saddam on every street 
>corner in every city, town and hamlet, actively discriminate against anyone 
>who is not a Sunni Muslim, and arrest and torture U.S. citizens for sport.
>Hey, sounds like a deal.
>Don Kaag
>On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 01:03 PM, Dale Courtney wrote:
>>What if Iraq wins the war?
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>List services made available by First Step Internet, serving the 
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