[Vision2020] Lott/Law
Carl Westberg
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 13:00:05 -0800
I guess it's pretty easy for a white guy living in the Pacific Northwest to
make light of the Trent Lott situation, dismissing it, to borrow from the
aforementioned Shakespeare, as much ado about nothing. I suspect it doesn't
seem as humorous or frivolous for African-Americans, especially those living
in the South. They view it in a rather more serious light, I would imagine.
Carl Westberg
>From: Douglas <dougwils@moscow.com>
>To: vision2020@moscow.com
>Subject: [Vision2020] Lott/Law
>Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 12:51:05 -0800
>Dear visionaries,
>I need to seize the opportunity to agree with Melynda, since they do not
>come that often. I agree with her that many of Shakespeare's sonnets are
>homoerotic, and that is the kind of poem I had in mind -- a poem
>celebrating same-sex love. I did not mean poetry that cruises Bay area
>bars, or even poetry that seeks ordination at the hands of Cardinal Law.
>And the fact remains, if Lott had read one of those puppies prior to the
>aforementioned goosing, our national trauma would be a week behind us
>already. In fact, I suggest that he read one now. Let the healing begin!
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