[CLC-Discussion] RPPTL - Fellows Program
Wright, Wm. Cary
cwright at carltonfields.com
Fri Jun 14 13:24:35 PDT 2024
I hope all is well and you are looking forward to a well-deserved weekend!
Below is an email notice from the RPPTL Section regarding the Fellows Program. For those eligible and desirous of getting more involved in the Section, this a great opportunity – particularly for those on the Real Property side. All of the current Fellows are on the Probate/Trust side, so this is a great opportunity for Real Property/Construction practitioners.
Please disregard the email you may have received earlier today regarding the RPPTL Fellows Program. The following reflects the updated and corrected information regarding the Fellows Program, including how to apply. Thank you.
Dear RPPTL Members:
The Real Property Probate & Trust Law Section Fellowship Program is now accepting applications for its 2024-2025 Fellows Class.
The mission of the RPPTL Fellowship Program is to promote attorneys from a wide range of backgrounds to become substantially involved in the RPPTL Section work, receive leadership training and work closely with leading attorneys in their field.
The two-year term Fellowship is open to all lawyers who are members of the RPPTL Section and who have been admitted to the Bar for fewer than 12 years. Scholarships to defray expenses of attending Section meetings will be considered for applicants who best meet the following criteria:
Demonstrated interest in wills, trusts, estates, and/or real estate as a substantial part of the applicant’s practice;
Demonstrated interest in the activities of the RPPTL Section and commitment in continued involvement;
Demonstrated need for financial assistance in order to attend Section meetings;
Service to the profession or community.
See the Fellows Committee page<https://www.rpptl.org/DrawCommittees.aspx?GroupCommitteeTypeID=3&GroupCommitteeID=10> on RPPTL.org for more details regarding the program.
The Application Deadline is June 17, 2024. The application is available here and can be submitted to hstephens at floridabar.org<mailto:hstephens at floridabar.org>.
Contact the Committee Chair, Bridget Friedman with questions.
For additional upcoming CLE Programs, visit our website calendar<http://rpptl.org/DrawCalendar.aspx>.
Learn more about Board Certification<https://www.floridabar.org/about/cert/cert-applications-and-requirements>
[Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/FLRPPTL> [Twitter] <https://twitter.com/RPPTL_FL>
Real Property Probate & Trust Section of the Florida Bar | 651 East Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399
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Wm. Cary Wright
Attorney at Law
4221 W. Boy Scout Blvd., Ste. 1000
Tampa, Florida 33607-5780
Direct: 813.229.4135 | Fax: 813.229.4133
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