[CLC-Discussion] In-House Counsel Subcommittee

Darr, Joe JDarr at BrasfieldGorrie.com
Fri Jun 14 05:36:42 PDT 2024

CLC members,

As discussed during the CLC meeting on Monday, the In-House Counsel Subcommittee will have its first meeting in July. Membership will be limited to current in-house counsel. We will be sending a calendar invite for the first meeting very soon.

David Ehrlich and I will be co-chairing the Subcommittee. If you are interested in becoming a member or have any questions, please let us know. Our contact information is below. Thanks!

Joe Darr
Associate General Counsel

jdarr at brasfieldgorrie.com<mailto:jdarr at brasfieldgorrie.com>
o: 407.562.4500

BRASFIELD & GORRIE  |  941 West Morse Blvd., Suite 200  |  Winter Park,  Florida  32789

David J. Ehrlich │ Senior Corporate Counsel
Board Certified in Construction Law by The Florida Bar
Turner Construction Company │ Florida
mobile 321.417.2551 │ dehrlich at tcco.com<mailto:dehrlich at tcco.com>
website<http://www.turnerconstruction.com/> │ linkedin<https://www.linkedin.com/company/turner-construction-company/mycompany/> │ facebook<https://www.facebook.com/turnerconstruction> │ twitter<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__twitter.com_turner-5Ftalk&d=DwMF3g&c=sb6gdlHSSEAKVs7mNNqH8g&r=BTfzIaG7Dt7qCwL_FV6HS8_S_aEXUzda5rKULBFmvrU&m=jKPf8WDjPuxETyI5V4Jd0WhMUYfgA_ft4zzefHHwsl4&s=HPizB5-B_rPGA_mVbb23xZ5O8Po1ZNk1ORF6IUWoMtE&e=> │ youtube<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.youtube.com_user_turnerconstructionco-3Ffeature-3Dresults-5Fmain&d=DwMF3g&c=sb6gdlHSSEAKVs7mNNqH8g&r=BTfzIaG7Dt7qCwL_FV6HS8_S_aEXUzda5rKULBFmvrU&m=jKPf8WDjPuxETyI5V4Jd0WhMUYfgA_ft4zzefHHwsl4&s=-I92KyfkEOvEJHkN5M8QRkNcNGdQHRG549X9kWNEK6U&e=>


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