[CLC-Discussion] Veteran in Need in Jacksonville

ATannenbaum at tannenbaumscro.com ATannenbaum at tannenbaumscro.com
Fri Dec 28 08:35:38 PST 2012

Received this inquiry:


He purchased a home in Jacksonville, Florida, in 2004 and his family moved in.  He is a war veteran and he moved in the home in 2005 after he served.  

He said that there is a mold in the bathroom and a garage.  He said the house has a leak in the sealing and with the last storm they had, the leak was leaking in the lighting 

fixture in the kitchen, which posed a hazard (as the light was on during the storm) so he had to cut the wires for safety.  He was advised that the warranty to address 

these issues has expired.  He has health concerns giving the condition of the home and him and his family had to move out of the home, because of that.  


Who in the Jacksonville area is willing to take this on?

Alan E. Tannenbaum
Board Certified Construction Lawyer
1990 Main Street, Suite 725
Sarasota, Florida 34236
atannenbaum at TannenbaumScro.com
Direct Phone #: (941) 308-3157
Department Fax: (941) 316-0301

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