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Thanks Kate- very helpful. Mike</div>
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<div id="divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font face="Calibri, sans-serif" style="font-size:11pt" color="#000000"><b>From:</b> wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> on behalf of Kate Gamble <uptownlawpt@gmail.com><br>
<b>Sent:</b> Thursday, March 25, 2021 6:28 AM<br>
<b>To:</b> RPPT section <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com><br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: [WSBARP] WSBARP Digest, Vol 78, Issue 26</font>
<div> </div>
<div class="" style="word-wrap:break-word; line-break:after-white-space">"So married couple with property held in a LLC getting divorce - Grantor in REET will be LLC but what would WAC be ? Normally we put due to dissolution of marriage - Thanks Mike Atkins”
<div class=""><br class="">
<div class="">I believe that since the real property is titled in the LLC (and if the parties want to keep the real property in the LLC) the transfer of interest would take place at the LLC level, and no deed would be required, since the LLC would still own
 the real property.  The change in ownership interest would be reported to the Secretary of State on the Annual Report with Changes under the Controlling Interest section.  Since the transfer of ownership interest is at least 50%, it triggers the need to report
 a Controlling Interest Transfer Form referenced on the Annual Report.  See <a href="https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.dor.wa.gov_REET&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=KEDnavIX0T95_e0xmmP7pHPEymbbSteROH3HpiSq79g&m=-gXBM9RP9_CQK2xgDq63pnmB-BwccJaECoreGa2cZLo&s=lvED1IVooxXKLtBqnbpq-aKkMm2DDnXlWGV0blvWpQE&e=" class="">
www.dor.wa.gov/REET</a>.  I’ve called DOR to try to tease this issue out and found them very helpful.<br class="">
<div class=""><br class="">
<div class="">Regards,</div>
<div class=""><br class="">
<div class="">
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<div><font face="Garamond" class=""><span class="" style="font-size:14px">Kate Gamble</span><br class="">
<span class="" style="font-size:14px">Attorney at Law</span><br class="">
<span class="" style="font-size:14px">Uptown Law PLLC</span><br class="">
<span class="" style="font-size:14px">PO Box 835</span><br class="">
<span class="" style="font-size:14px">Port Townsend, WA 98368</span><br class="">
<span class="" style="font-size:14px">(360) 379-1818</span><br class="">
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<br class="">
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<div class="">On Mar 24, 2021, at 4:56 PM, <a href="mailto:wsbarp-request@lists.wsbarppt.com" class="">
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Today's Topics:<br class="">
<br class="">
  1. Re: LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution (Nestor Gorfinkel)<br class="">
  2. Re: LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution (Jeanne Dawes)<br class="">
  3. Re: LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
     (michael westseattleattorney.com)<br class="">
  4. Re: LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution (Jeanne Dawes)<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
----------------------------------------------------------------------<br class="">
<br class="">
Message: 1<br class="">
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 21:58:04 +0000<br class="">
From: Nestor Gorfinkel <esq@gorfinkel-law.com><br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
Message-ID:<br class="">
<span class="x_Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"></span><CY4PR08MB3414AAE65715EFE0F19489A3FC639@CY4PR08MB3414.namprd08.prod.outlook.com><br class="">
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If I understand correctly, there are 2 properties, one to each spouse.<br class="">
<br class="">
I would have the First Deed from LLC to both spouses include both properties using mere change in identity or form WAC code and then 2 separate deeds from each spouse to the other using the DOM WAC code.<br class="">
<br class="">
Nestor<br class="">
<br class="">
Nestor Gorfinkel, Attorney at Law<br class="">
Licensed in Florida & Washington State<br class="">
Florida Civil-Law (International) Notary<br class="">
<br class="">
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From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> On Behalf Of michael westseattleattorney.com<br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 5:46 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
OK  we need two emails -- so there are 2 real properties going to parties and others being sold.  For the 2 to the parties, can I put both Lots 9 and  10 , Block 20 .... on 1 Deed from LLC to parties and use 2 separate REETS using the 458-61A-211(2)(b) and
 then the one party to the other using the disso 458-61A-203(2) ?<br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image003.png@01D720D7.073B8E40]<br class="">
________________________________<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com>> on behalf of Kailei Feeney <kailei@westseattlelaw.com<mailto:kailei@westseattlelaw.com>><br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:20 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com>><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
I think it depends on facts that are not 100% clear from your description - what is going to happen to the property?<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
If just sold, then the LLC can likely sell.<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
If one spouse will get pursuant to divorce, then I think it perhaps needs to be two-stepped:<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<blockquote type="cite" class="">From LLC to same two members, mere change in identity or form. 458-61A-211(2)((b).<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<blockquote type="cite" class="">From spouse divesting their interest, to other spouse staying on title, pursuant to divorce. 458-61A-203(2).<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
Kailei<br class="">
<br class="">
Kailei B. Feeney<br class="">
Attorney-at-Law<br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image004.jpg@01D720D7.073B8E40]<br class="">
<br class="">
3909 California Avenue SW<br class="">
<br class="">
Seattle, WA 98116-3705<br class="">
<br class="">
(206)938-5500<br class="">
<br class="">
kailei@westseattlelaw.com<mailto:kailei@westseattlelaw.com><br class="">
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From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com>> On Behalf Of michael westseattleattorney.com<br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:02 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property List <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com>><br class="">
Subject: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
So married couple with property held in a LLC getting divorce - Grantor in REET will be LLC but what would WAC be ?  Normally we put due to dissolution of marriage - Thanks Mike Atkins<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
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Message: 2<br class="">
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 22:20:29 +0000<br class="">
From: Jeanne Dawes <jjdawes@goregrewe.com><br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
Message-ID:<br class="">
<span class="x_Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"></span><CY1PR05MB26990BD7FD037A745C974444AC639@CY1PR05MB2699.namprd05.prod.outlook.com><br class="">
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<br class="">
I'm wondering if you could say conveying spouse has 49% interest, and receiving spouse has 51% interest, and then just do an assignment of membership interest and leave the property in the name of the LLC?<br class="">
<br class="">
Jeanne<br class="">
<br class="">
Jeanne J. Dawes<br class="">
Attorney at Law<br class="">
Gore & Grewe, P.S.<br class="">
103 E. Indiana Avenue, Suite A<br class="">
Spokane, WA 99207-2317<br class="">
Voice:  509-326-7500<br class="">
Fax:      509-326-7503<br class="">
jjdawes@goregrewe.com<mailto:jjdawes@goregrewe.com><br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image002.png@01D720C1.38ABD040][cid:image003.png@01D720C1.38ABD040]<br class="">
<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com On Behalf Of michael westseattleattorney.com<br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:31 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
Great - Thx Andrew<br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image004.png@01D720C1.38ABD040]<br class="">
________________________________<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com>> on behalf of Andrew Hay <andrewhay@washingtonlaw.net<mailto:andrewhay@washingtonlaw.net>><br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:13 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com>><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
LLC is giving property to one spouse?<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
WAC 458-61A-203(1) to separate CP.<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
You want to have language in the divorce settlement agreement or decree supportive of the exemption.<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
The husband shall transfer the parties' community property real estate parcel no Y held in ABC LLC to the wife as her sole and sep property.<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
(2) may also apply if the language in the court order is written similarly<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com>> On Behalf Of michael westseattleattorney.com<br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:02 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property List <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com>><br class="">
Subject: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
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<br class="">
So married couple with property held in a LLC getting divorce - Grantor in REET will be LLC but what would WAC be ?  Normally we put due to dissolution of marriage - Thanks Mike Atkins<br class="">
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Message: 3<br class="">
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 22:46:07 +0000<br class="">
From: "michael westseattleattorney.com"<br class="">
<span class="x_Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"></span><michael@westseattleattorney.com><br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
Message-ID:<br class="">
<span class="x_Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"></span><DM6PR05MB655565DFA664429A5482FD0AB7639@DM6PR05MB6555.namprd05.prod.outlook.com><br class="">
<span class="x_Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"></span><br class="">
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"<br class="">
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Leaving it in LLC would be good if you could<br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:5b99b81b-5fd3-4739-94ca-c445b742a929]<br class="">
________________________________<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> on behalf of Jeanne Dawes <jjdawes@goregrewe.com><br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 3:20 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
I?m wondering if you could say conveying spouse has 49% interest, and receiving spouse has 51% interest, and then just do an assignment of membership interest and leave the property in the name of the LLC?<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
Jeanne<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
Jeanne J. Dawes<br class="">
<br class="">
Attorney at Law<br class="">
<br class="">
Gore & Grewe, P.S.<br class="">
<br class="">
103 E. Indiana Avenue, Suite A<br class="">
<br class="">
Spokane, WA 99207-2317<br class="">
<br class="">
Voice:  509-326-7500<br class="">
<br class="">
Fax:      509-326-7503<br class="">
<br class="">
jjdawes@goregrewe.com<mailto:jjdawes@goregrewe.com><br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image002.png@01D720C1.38ABD040][cid:image003.png@01D720C1.38ABD040]<br class="">
<br class="">
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<br class="">
<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com On Behalf Of michael westseattleattorney.com<br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:31 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
Great - Thx Andrew<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image004.png@01D720C1.38ABD040]<br class="">
<br class="">
________________________________<br class="">
<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com>> on behalf of Andrew Hay <andrewhay@washingtonlaw.net<mailto:andrewhay@washingtonlaw.net>><br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:13 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com>><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
LLC is giving property to one spouse?<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
WAC 458-61A-203(1) to separate CP.<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
You want to have language in the divorce settlement agreement or decree supportive of the exemption.<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
The husband shall transfer the parties? community property real estate parcel no Y held in ABC LLC to the wife as her sole and sep property.<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
(2) may also apply if the language in the court order is written similarly<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com>> On Behalf Of michael westseattleattorney.com<br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:02 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property List <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com>><br class="">
Subject: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
So married couple with property held in a LLC getting divorce - Grantor in REET will be LLC but what would WAC be ?  Normally we put due to dissolution of marriage - Thanks Mike Atkins<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image004.png@01D720C1.38ABD040]<br class="">
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Message: 4<br class="">
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 23:55:54 +0000<br class="">
From: Jeanne Dawes <jjdawes@goregrewe.com><br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
Message-ID:<br class="">
<span class="x_Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"></span><CY1PR05MB269978BB1F8D0912926BBE5FAC639@CY1PR05MB2699.namprd05.prod.outlook.com><br class="">
<span class="x_Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"></span><br class="">
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"<br class="">
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Now that I've thought about this a little longer, I think even if ownership is 50-50 you could do an assignment of membership interest, and then just file the REET citing the dissolution exemption.  I don't believe you would need to record a deed if you keep
 the property in the name of the LLC.<br class="">
<br class="">
Jeanne<br class="">
<br class="">
Jeanne J. Dawes<br class="">
Attorney at Law<br class="">
Gore & Grewe, P.S.<br class="">
103 E. Indiana Avenue, Suite A<br class="">
Spokane, WA 99207-2317<br class="">
Voice:  509-326-7500<br class="">
Fax:      509-326-7503<br class="">
jjdawes@goregrewe.com<mailto:jjdawes@goregrewe.com><br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image001.png@01D720CE.8C9ED410][cid:image002.png@01D720CE.8C9ED410]<br class="">
<br class="">
From: Jeanne Dawes<br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 3:20 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com><br class="">
Subject: RE: LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
I'm wondering if you could say conveying spouse has 49% interest, and receiving spouse has 51% interest, and then just do an assignment of membership interest and leave the property in the name of the LLC?<br class="">
<br class="">
Jeanne<br class="">
<br class="">
Jeanne J. Dawes<br class="">
Attorney at Law<br class="">
Gore & Grewe, P.S.<br class="">
103 E. Indiana Avenue, Suite A<br class="">
Spokane, WA 99207-2317<br class="">
Voice:  509-326-7500<br class="">
Fax:      509-326-7503<br class="">
jjdawes@goregrewe.com<mailto:jjdawes@goregrewe.com><br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image001.png@01D720CE.8C9ED410][cid:image002.png@01D720CE.8C9ED410]<br class="">
<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> On Behalf Of michael westseattleattorney.com<br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:31 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com>><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
Great - Thx Andrew<br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image003.png@01D720CE.8C9ED410]<br class="">
________________________________<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com>> on behalf of Andrew Hay <andrewhay@washingtonlaw.net<mailto:andrewhay@washingtonlaw.net>><br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:13 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com>><br class="">
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
LLC is giving property to one spouse?<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
WAC 458-61A-203(1) to separate CP.<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
You want to have language in the divorce settlement agreement or decree supportive of the exemption.<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
The husband shall transfer the parties' community property real estate parcel no Y held in ABC LLC to the wife as her sole and sep property.<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
(2) may also apply if the language in the court order is written similarly<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
From: wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com> <wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp-bounces@lists.wsbarppt.com>> On Behalf Of michael westseattleattorney.com<br class="">
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 2:02 PM<br class="">
To: WSBA Real Property List <wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbarp@lists.wsbarppt.com>><br class="">
Subject: [WSBARP] LLC Deed WAC code in REET for dissolution<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
So married couple with property held in a LLC getting divorce - Grantor in REET will be LLC but what would WAC be ?  Normally we put due to dissolution of marriage - Thanks Mike Atkins<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
<br class="">
[cid:image003.png@01D720CE.8C9ED410]<br class="">
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End of WSBARP Digest, Vol 78, Issue 26<br class="">
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