[WSBARP] Cease and Desist Order - need referral in Seattle or help so I can DIY

Jeannie OBrien jeannie at selanderobrien.com
Thu Jul 25 12:16:36 PDT 2024

Friends – this is outside my practice area, so I am asking for your help ASAP. My long time estate planning client is the owner of a building, and the Seattle Department of Transportation has authorized the implementation of a “Festival Street” directly in front of her building (and only her building).  This festival street will completely block access to her building’s driveway and to the alley adjacent to the property. No one from SDOT has sought or obtained my client’s permission for this project, and we are actually in the process of selling this building. The festival street will reduce the building’s value.

My communication with SDOT has been one-sided to this point. I’ve learned that the ground breaking is August 1st, and I’m furious.

Can anyone do this for us? Money is not an issue. Self-referrals gladly accepted. If not, I am always interested in learning new things (NOT 😊 – trying to work less, not more, but I will figure this out if I have to for my client)

Jeannie O'Brien, Attorney
3829C South Edmunds Street
Seattle, WA 98118
(206) 723-8200, x103
(206) 723-3829 fax
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