[WSBARP] Non-Judicial By Economic Development Organization Against Municipal Corporation

Rob Rowley rob at rowleylegal.com
Mon Mar 13 09:26:02 PDT 2023

I have been retained to make demand and most likely start a nonjudicial
foreclosure of Washington State land pledged (deed of trust) by a small
Washington State Municipal Corporation for the benefit of an economic
development organization per RCW 39.34.

The creditor’s usual firm has a conflict of interest (small county
politics) and sent it over to my office to start the nonjudicial

Any thoughts or recommendations?

I vaguely remember as a young associate (billion years ago) doing lots of
plaintiff personal-injury work and had to file tort claim prior to taking
action.  I couldn't find the analogous requirement under RCW 61.24.

Robert R. Rowley

Attorney & Counselor At Law

p: 509.252.5074  m: 509.994.1143

f: 509.842.3809

a: 7 S Howard St, Ste 218, Spokane, WA 99201

w: rowleylegal.com  e: rob at rowleylegal.com

Google Review: https://g.page/r/CTxNMUIBtg1SEAg/review

 Practice concentrated on business, real estate and general legal matters
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