[WSBARP] Ouster

Shanece Dedeaux dedeauxs at dedeauxlaw.com
Wed Feb 15 17:29:05 PST 2023

Is the purpose of this scenario to argue that one party should be entitled to a higher disbursement of the funds? If so, it could arguably be ousting. See below:

Ouster occurs when a cotenant obtains sole possession of the land that is adverse to the other cotenants, where the cotenant repudiates or disavows the relation of the cotenancy or where the tenant without possession is aware of actions by the tenant in possession that signify his or her intention to hold, occupy, and enjoy the premises exclusively.  Yakavonis v. Tilton, 93 Wn. App. 304, 308, 968 P.2d 908, 910 (1998). “In order for ouster to exist, there must be an assertion of a right to exclusive possession.” Cummings v. Anderson, 94 Wash.2d 135, 145, 614 P.2d 1283 (1980). In addition, “where the property is not adaptable to double occupancy, the mere occupation of the property by one cotenant may operate to exclude the other.” Yakavonis, 93 Wn. App. At 308, 968 P.2d 908.

Under your facts, Ouster could be found because of the NCO. The Yakavonis court found Ouster where the trial court determined the ousted party had no interest in the parcel. The trial court’s ruling was deemed erroneous. Although, the ruling was determined to be erroneous and thus ouster, I believe even under a legal NCO it is still ousting because the ruling is “adverse” to the ousted party.

Disclaimer: Quick analysis and response. There may be other rules in play that are not assessed here.

Hope this helps.

Shanece M. Dedeaux | dedeauxs at dedeauxlaw.com<mailto:dedeauxs at dedeauxlaw.com> | 206.333.0448

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From: wsbarp-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com <wsbarp-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com> on behalf of Jonathan Smith <jonathan at advantagelegalgroup.com>
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 3:09 PM
To: 'WSBA Real Property Listserv' <wsbarp at lists.wsbarppt.com>
Subject: [WSBARP] Ouster
Party A and B own a single family residence as tenants in common. Property has been sold and now funds are to be disbursed. If party A is charged with Assault 4 DV, but party A continues to occupy a single family residence and party B is the is the protected party who as a result does not occupy the property, has party B been ousted?  The NCO remains in effect for the duration of a 18 month SOC, has party B been legally ousted from the property? If so, how so and if not why not? Thank you.

Jonathan Smith
Attorney at Law
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