[WSBARP] Oil tank remediation materials

marc holmeslawgroup.com marc at holmeslawgroup.com
Tue Aug 22 08:28:44 PDT 2023

I have a client purchasing a residential property that recently had a pretty extensive but oil tank clean up completed.  Seller has provided an avalanche of materials and it seems that a known amount of contaminated soil was left in place.  I took the bare minimum of chemistry classes so this stuff is pretty much a foreign language to me.  I need a referral to someone qualified to review these materials and advise the client on to the adequacy of the work.

Marc Holmes, JD
Holmes Law Group PLLC
2303 W. Commodore Way, Suite 306
Seattle, WA 98199
marc at holmeslawgroup.com<mailto:marc at holmeslawgroup.com>
(206) 849-0853

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