[WSBARP] Pending Seattle Ordinance on Commercial Lease Rent Deferral - also one year no late fees or interest?

Kathleen Hopkins khopkins at rp-lawgroup.com
Wed Apr 15 16:48:39 PDT 2020

I am quite concerned about the 4/13/2020 action taken by city council (CB 119766) which hopefully is attached to this email.  As of this afternoon it is still pending the Mayor’s signature (but has a 3/4 vote).

Section 4(c) seems to give tenants the ability to pay rent as late as they want for one year after the may declares the emergency over and I guess the landlord’s only recourse will be eviction???  I don’t know if the mayor has signed this yet.

Does anyone know what will happen here?  Seems like, while not a very well thought out ordinance, commercial landlords might be able to suffer through the rest of the ordinance, but leaving landlords with no remedy except eviction for tenants who are still paying rent late (maybe up to a month late) next winter, is an  unintended consequence and perhaps the Mayor can ask council to strike 4(c).

How do we get this stopped or reversed?

In case the attachment does not appear, here is the link to the City’s site, go down to 3rd row of tabs and click on “text.”
Proposed Legislation and supporting documents: http://seattle.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4408206&GUID=F514B0BF-ED20-4A1A-83C9-76B2D816FAD9&Options=ID%7CText%7C&Search=commercial+rent+control<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__seattle.legistar.com_LegislationDetail.aspx-3FID-3D4408206-26GUID-3DF514B0BF-2DED20-2D4A1A-2D83C9-2D76B2D816FAD9-26Options-3DID-257CText-257C-26Search-3Dcommercial-2Brent-2Bcontrol&d=DwMFAg&c=8KPF0bmfmkzTkgg5U6HWH6_UmzF06L2ZWAVixC1qC44&r=QT2YCWNZ6AMZiqaYCLlxamoNsuqgP-nSJd80xmWnAWA&m=B4z4CGOVa_qb8_UJBDyYI5ZkLZkehb2T4FmP7cHp-Bw&s=lTEFMpJ3RlXGjV7dZm61K3j8wzgiW5kr_KioGd7syuM&e=>

Kathleen J. Hopkins
Real Property Law Group, PLLC
1326 Fifth Avenue, Suite 654
Seattle, WA 98101
Phone & Fax: (206) 625-0404
email: khopkins at rp-lawgroup.com

*Licensed in Washington State.

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