[WSBARP] Piano Mover Liability

scott at scottgthomaslaw.com scott at scottgthomaslaw.com
Wed Dec 5 07:17:48 PST 2018

Suggest you Google “piano moving accidents.”


From: wsbarp-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com <wsbarp-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com> On Behalf Of marc holmeslawgroup.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 10:27 AM
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp at lists.wsbarppt.com>
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] Piano Mover Liability


Thanks Nicholas and to all who responded on and off list.  I represent the Buyer so my main concern is damage to the house and/or personal injury during removal.  Fortunately, no children so the risk of damage to the piano in the interim is pretty modest.




Marc Holmes, JD
Holmes Law Group PLLC

2303 W. Commodore Way, Suite 306

Seattle, WA 98199
 <mailto:marc at holmeslawgroup.com> marc at holmeslawgroup.com
(206) 357-4224 (ofc)
(206) 849-0853 (cell)


From: wsbarp-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com <mailto:wsbarp-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com>  <wsbarp-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com <mailto:wsbarp-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com> > On Behalf Of Nicholas Fisher
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 12:17 PM
To: WSBA Real Property Listserv <wsbarp at lists.wsbarppt.com <mailto:wsbarp at lists.wsbarppt.com> >
Subject: Re: [WSBARP] Piano Mover Liability


Try Pedigo Piano, they have great piano movers, even grand pianos.  I would include a hold harmless provision in the storage agreement in addition to the indemnification and if there are children moving in, I would make it very broad to include any kind of damage, even intentional damage from a child. 



On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 7:28 AM NC <seaseanc at gmail.com <mailto:seaseanc at gmail.com> > wrote:

Storage lease to make sure you protect them from a seller that takes their time and to have finite terms. 


On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 10:22 AM marc holmeslawgroup.com <http://holmeslawgroup.com>  <marc at holmeslawgroup.com <mailto:marc at holmeslawgroup.com> > wrote:



Does anybody have a good liability waiver/indemnification agreement I could use for a home buyer client who wants to let the sellers move a grand piano after closing.  Down a flight of stairs no less.  The first thing to cross my mind was a Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner cartoon and my response was No and No.  They either get the piano out in time or it becomes yours.  Maybe, if you’re generous, we delay closing.  


Client doesn’t want to delay closing so here we are.  We’ll insist on a professional mover and proof of current bonding and insurance in advance.  Any other advice such as with their current homeowner’s insurance coverage?




Marc Holmes, JD
Holmes Law Group PLLC

2303 W. Commodore Way, Suite 306

Seattle, WA 98199
 <mailto:marc at holmeslawgroup.com> marc at holmeslawgroup.com
(206) 357-4224 (ofc)
(206) 849-0853 (cell)


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Nicholas L. Clapham

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