[WSBARP] When can you demand request for reconveyance after you pay off a deed of trust?

John McCrady j.mccrady at pstitle.com
Tue Aug 25 11:36:04 PDT 2015

I have often wondered about the interplay of 61.16.030with the first sentence of  61.24.020:

Except as provided in this chapter, a deed of trust is subject to all laws relating to mortgages on real property.

I would love to see that tested in court.

John McCrady
Puget Sound Title Company
5350 Orchard Street West
University Place WA 98466

From: wsbarp-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com [mailto:wsbarp-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com] On Behalf Of Josh Grant
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 11:05 AM
To: wsbar <wsbarp at lists.wsbarppt.com>
Subject: [WSBARP] When can you demand request for reconveyance after you pay off a deed of trust?

I have a client whose Deed of Trust was paid off over 3 months ago, and no lien removal has taken place after payment in full of note.

I have reviewed 61.24.110.  (2) Seems to say that after reconveyance isn’t issued after the 60 days found in 61.60.030; that I as attorney can request the reconveyance by the title company (trustee).
Then sub (3)(a) says after 120 days of payment, I can record a “statement of payment” and cc beneficiary and the trustee within 2 days of recording the “statement of payment”.
Then under (3)(b) beneficiary and trustee have another 30 days to object.  If no objection recorded then the lien finally
ceases to exist”.

So does this mean that they can wait 150 days before we can extinguish the DOT lien nonjudicially?  But what about judicially, can we threaten something sooner?

However, if this had been a mortgage: under 61.16.030:
If the mortgagee fails to acknowledge satisfaction of the mortgage as provided in RCW 61.16.020 sixty days from the date of such request or demand, the mortgagee shall forfeit and pay to the mortgagor damages and a reasonable attorneys' fee, to be recovered in any court having competent jurisdiction, and said court, when convinced that said mortgage has been fully satisfied, shall issue an order in writing, directing the auditor to immediately record the order.

So are you sending a nastygram to Lenders using DOT’s  when they haven’t cleared the title earlier, like after the 60 days?  And on what basis can you threaten to collect attorney fees except maybe for  “slander of title” ?


Joshua F. Grant, PS
Attorney at Law
P. O. Box 619
Wilbur, WA 99185
tel 509 647 5578
fax 509 647 2734
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