[WSBARP] Re-Recording Deed To Cure Alleged Defect In Legal Description

Rob Rowley rob at rowleylegal.com
Wed Aug 19 09:07:51 PDT 2015

I am looking to cut the proverbial Gordian knot by having an old original
deed rerecorded to fix an alleged defect in a legal description.  I haven't
done it in many years and want to make sure I do it right.

Deed was prepared and recorded about 15 years ago, which had an old plat
description.  Approximately 10 years ago the property was re-platted and
subdivided which created completely different legal descriptions.  Local
title company refuses to insure a pending sale, claiming that the
15-year-old deed description is defective.  Small county with only one
title company so I can't go shopping.

Thus, my thought would be to take the original 15-year-old deed and cross
through the description and have the deed rerecorded with the new plat
description from 10 years ago, which theoretically should fix the issue.
Title officer has been less than helpful.

What sayeth you wise Counselors?

Please note that effective May 15, 2015, my new address is 7 South Howard
St., Suite 218, Spokane, WA 99201.  All other contact information remains
the same.

*Robert R. Rowley* | Attorney at Law

7 S. Howard St, Suite 218

Spokane, WA  99201

Telephone: (509) 252-5074

Mobile: (509) 994-1143

Facsimile: (509) 928-3084

Email: rob at rowleylegal.com

Web Site: www.rowleylegal.com

Practice concentrated on business, real estate and general legal matters in
Washington and Idaho.


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