[WSBAPT] ISO appraiser for 1950s Japanese paintings

Sarah Cuellar attorney at sarahcuellar.com
Mon Sep 25 12:28:21 PDT 2023


My client is PR for an estate that includes "priceless" (according to the
Decedent) paintings that Decedent acquired when stationed in Japan in the
1950s. The paintings have Japanese writing in the corner, presumably a
signature. The will directs all assets to be liquidated so we are seeking
someone competent to appraise the value of this art. An appraiser who is
also a dealer would be helpful. Client is willing to travel anywhere in the
state to get this done.

Any referrals would be appreciated,


Law Office of Sarah N. Cuellar, PLLC

665 S. Clark Ave., Unit 2

P.O. Box 904

Republic, WA 99166

(509) 207-9162 phone

(509) 357-1604 fax

OFFICE HOURS: 8:00am to 2:30pm Monday - Thursday, 8:00am to 1:00pm Friday.
Hours are subject to change for federal and school holidays and family
illness. Emails will generally not be returned outside of office hours. If
you are a current client and need to contact me immediately, please call
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