[WSBAPT] Hacks!!!

Claudia A Gowan claudia at cagowanlaw.com
Tue Jan 18 10:53:41 PST 2022

Just a warning: I have received at least three emails this morning alone that look suspiciously like hacks - some of which claim to be from our colleagues on this listserv (I am not blaming the listserv, I am using it to let each other know that there seem to be a ton of hacks happening right now).

Each of the suspicious emails are sending me "documents" that claim to be Adobe .pdf documents.

Best, Claudia

Claudia A. Gowan

Claudia A. Gowan, PLLC
2212 Queen Anne Avenue No., # 338 (Mailing only)
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 443-2733 (T)
claudia at cagowanlaw.com<mailto:claudia at cagowanlaw.com>


Recognizing the risk of coronavirus for our clients and colleagues, we are working remotely. Our direct email and telephone contact information, which has not changed, along with  a  permanent mailing address is noted above.

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