[WSBAPT] will w/ blank affidavit

Harkiran Sekhon harkiran at sekhonlawpllc.com
Tue Aug 17 11:18:07 PDT 2021

Hi Listmates,

What do you typically do when there is a last will and testament that has a
witness affidavit attached but the notary block is blank?

My first thought was to track down the witnesses and get statements but
this is proving to be a little harder than expected. The attorney who
drafted the will is retired and not sure where they are currently.

Would love to get the list's thoughts and suggestions on this.

Thank you!


Harkiran Sekhon
*Sekhon Law, PLLC*
P: (425) 207-4866 | F: (425) 207- 4986 | W: www.sekhonlawpllc.com | A: 707
S. Grady Way STE 600 Renton, WA 98057
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