[WSBAPT] WD for father of minor heir

Diane J. Kiepe DJKiepe at depdslaw.com
Fri Oct 26 14:51:44 PDT 2018

I think the problem you are going to run into is, although the child is second in line, the qualifications for PR will eliminate him.  I have never heard of an unmarried person taking preference but perhaps, if they lived together, you can look into some Intimate Committed Relationship cases.

Sorry I am not anymore help but I wanted to point out ICR to you in case you haven’t checked that out yet.

Diane J. Kiepe

Diane J. Kiepe, Attorney at Law
Douglas • Eden
717 W. Sprague Ave., Suite 1500
Spokane, WA  99201
Phone:  (509) 455-5300
Fax:        (509) 455-5348
djkiepe at depdslaw.com

From: wsbapt-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com [mailto:wsbapt-bounces at lists.wsbarppt.com] On Behalf Of michael at westseattleattorney.com
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2018 2:19 PM
To: WSBA Probate & Trust Listserv
Subject: Re: [WSBAPT] WD for father of minor heir

Is there an attorney working on the father's death as it is likely they will have opened up a probate.

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WSBAPT] WD for father of minor heir
From: Dalynne Singleton <dalynne at glgmail.com<mailto:dalynne at glgmail.com>>
Date: Fri, October 26, 2018 2:02 pm
To: WSBA Probate & Trust Listserv <wsbapt at lists.wsbarppt.com<mailto:wsbapt at lists.wsbarppt.com>>
I have a client (mother of minor) who was not married to the decedent who died in a motorcycle collision.  I am opening the probate and asking for her to be appointed Administrator.  I will ask the court to appoint a probate GAL for the minor.

The brother of the decedent is making waves and indicating he wants to serve as administrator, not the minor’s mother.  The minor’s mother does not want him or the parents to serve – they have already taken some of the assets out of the decedent’s home.

Can someone point me to caselaw that says the minor’s mother gets to stand in the shoes of the minor and ask for appointment to be an administrator?  I am just beginning my research.

RCW 11.28.120 provides the spouse is first to serve as administrator, then the child…  since child is a minor, seems the mother of the minor should be able to serve before the father, mother, etc.  No other heirs.

RCW 11.28.120<http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=11.28.120>
Persons entitled to letters.
Administration of an estate if the decedent died intestate or if the personal representative or representatives named in the will declined or were unable to serve shall be granted to some one or more of the persons hereinafter mentioned, and they shall be respectively entitled in the following order:
(1) The surviving spouse or state registered domestic partner, or such person as he or she may request to have appointed.
(2) The next of kin in the following order: (a) Child or children; (b) father or mother; (c) brothers or sisters; (d) grandchildren; (e) nephews or nieces.

Dalynne Singleton

Gourley Law Group
Snohomish Escrow
The Exchange Connection
1002 10th Street / PO Box 1091
Snohomish, WA 98291

360.568.8092  fax
dalynne at glgmail.com<mailto:dalynne at glgmail.com>

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